Angel Magic

Free Angel Magic by Brooklyn O'Bannon

Book: Angel Magic by Brooklyn O'Bannon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooklyn O'Bannon
I am having a hard time not touching you.
      And your other garments will not dry well in this humidity.”
      She nodded. Now that he said he wasn’t going to touch her, she wanted his touch.
      In fact, the idea of no touching made her feel cranky. She liked his touch, the gentle feel of his finger caressing her arm and the comfort of his arm around her. Every touch sent waves of warmth through her body. She took a deep breath. Why couldn’t she have his touch? Oh, yeah. She was mad at him.
      He didn’t really lie to me. There is so much to learn about this Angel stuff. He lost somecontrol, true. But he hadn’t been touched in centuries.
      “I like your touch,” she admitted in a soft voice.

    Chapter Seven
      He was suddenly very close and his face was serious. “Then I will touch you, and you can touch me if you wish. If you want me to stop, I will.”
      “Okay.” Kari pulled her tank top over her head, revealing her white lace bra, and then slid her shorts off, showing white lace boy cut panties.
      She looked down, and saw that Rahmiel’s hard on was now wetting the thin cloth that covered his loins, making the fabric nearly transparent in a spot.
      “Don’t worry about me,” he said in a hoarse voice. “I’m going to cool off. And if that doesn’t work, maybe I’ll take a quick walk into the trees.”
      He pulled off his loin cloth , revealing his engorged cock, moisture at the dark pink tip. Then he leapt into the pool.
      Cool droplets sprinkled over her and reminded her how very hot it was. Kari slipped into the water and found it cool but far from cold. Perfect. She rolled onto her back and sighed in satisfaction.
      Rahmiel suddenly appeared at her side, his expression serious as his eyes inspected her underwear. He placed one index finger along the top of her bra and traced the lace scallops that curved over her skin. His finger found the small satin flower that covered the front clasp of her bra, lingered there a minute, and then drew a line down her abdomen to her belly button. He dipped his finger in for a moment, made a small circle inside her belly button then slid down to the lace that rested on her triangle of rusty curls. She drew in a fast breath as her body seemed to melt under his light touch.
      “The water is not cooling me off,” he whispered. His eyes focused on her mouth.
      “Me, either,” she admitted.
      Suddenly he clasped her in his arms and they were airborne. His beating wings sent a veil of water drops into the air that caught the light, sparking as they fell to the pool below.
      His lips, cool and wet from the water, pressed against hers. His tongue, hot and insistent, pushed into her mouth.
      Kari welcomed the kiss with a hunger that might have embarrassed her if her brain had been capable of thought. Later, gasping for breath, she broke off the kiss. “Do you have to do it like this, in the air? Sex, I mean?”
      “No, we can do it on the ground. All kinds of positions, too. I’ll teach them to you, if you like.” While he spoke he lowered them down near the rock and let her go while he got the blanket and spread it on the ground. “There are other ways to enjoy each other’s touch. Ways that won’t make you sore.” He grinned at her, and his eyes sparkled in the sunlight.
      “Um right. No sex. Not until—” He cut off her words as he launched himself at her.
      She squealed, but instead of Rahmiel knocking her to the ground, he placed her on her back, suspended in the air. Then she was on the blanket, and Rahmiel was pulling the straps of her soaked bra down her arms.
      “You probably don’t want me to rip it off?” He raised his eyebrows hopefully.
      “I’ll do it.” She unclasped her bra.
      “Very clever,” he said, examining the bra clasp. “But I can do this.” He pulled her panties off in one swift motion. His lips engulfed her nipple, while one large hand cupped her buttocks.
      As his wet mouth

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