Door to Door Sex (Salesman Sex Book 1)

Free Door to Door Sex (Salesman Sex Book 1) by C J Edwards

Book: Door to Door Sex (Salesman Sex Book 1) by C J Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: C J Edwards
    Copyright © 2013 by C J Edwards
    C J Edwards on Kindle
    Adult Reading Material
    All characters depicted are over the age of eighteen.
    A note from the author:
    Hey, if you like this story (or even if you don’t) please leave me feedback at the end or on Amazon.
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    One week of training down and former soldier Jeff was now a bona fide sales executive. Checking his smart new suit and tie out in the mirror, he picked up his appointments file and slammed the flat door behind him.
    Solar panels were not the sexiest commodity on the market but they were definitely hot business. By lunch time, Jeff had three repeat appointments and one closed sale. Totting up the commission in his head as he ate a fast food burger, he reckoned that first morning would net him about £800. That was over a week’s pay in his old job and he didn’t have to risk his life, get up at dawn to do PT or work at night! This was a mug’s game.
    Glancing down his appointment sheet, he saw his first call of the afternoon was a suburban housewife, Mrs Newbold. Another three qualified appointments after that and he’d be home well before opening time. Wiping his mouth on a paper serviette, he dug out his mobile phone.
    “Hello,” a sultry female voice answered. “Can I help you?”
    “Hello Mrs Newbold,” Jeff began. “It’s Jeff Coates from Sunshine Panels, just confirming our appointment in twenty minutes.”
    “Oh yes,” she replied. “I’ve been looking forward to it all week.”
    Jeff knew his sales package was good but he’d never heard of a customer that keen before. Still, he thought as he rang off, who would look a gift horse in the mouth?
    Jeff was suitably impressed as he drove his company Mondeo up the sweeping drive. Set back from the semis in the street, Albany House made quite a statement in the area. There would be no problem fitting the panels on that roof, he thought.
    He pressed the doorbell and chuckled to hear Madonna’s sexy voice announcing his arrival. The door opened to reveal a lady in her early forties with an absolute knockout body, slim waist, long legs and unbelievably large and perky breasts. And she made no attempt to hide her assets; dressed only in a silk kimono and high heels, with what looked like a corset underneath. His jaw nearly hit the floor.
    “Hello sweetheart,” she said undressing him with his eyes. “You must be Jeff!”
    Not particularly modest at the best of times, Jeff knew he was an attractive proposition to most members of the fairer sex. Six foot two and built like a rugby prop, he hadn’t let himself go since leaving the military, still training three or four times a week. Even so, the forwardness of this incredibly sexy lady caught him off guard.
    “That’s right, Mrs Newbold,” he choked. “Is your husband home?”
    As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted saying them.
    “Is my husband home?’’ The horny woman chuckled. “Why? Were you hoping to catch me alone?’’
    Without giving Jeff a chance to try and dig himself out of that hole, she flung the door wide open and almost dragged him inside.
    Leading the way down a long hallway, she spoke over her shoulder. “It’s Cyn by the way and my husband in the States on business until next week. Just in case you’re interested…!”
    Before Jeff had the chance to answer that incredibly loaded question, they were through a set of swing doors into a huge conservatory with a full sized swimming pool.
    “Have a seat,” Cyn waved her slim arm towards a chaise longue, “I’ll fix you a drink. What would you like? We’ve got, well, everything really!”
    “I don’t really drink while working…” Jeff started.
    “Beer then!”
    Bringing over a

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