Sealed With a Kiss
the salary I’m offering is four times what you’d earn at the
local school. I also know that your full-time teaching contract
doesn’t start until January. What’s stopping you from saying
    It was Rachel’s turn to squirm under his
gaze. “I’ve made a commitment to the school. They might not be able
to find another substitute teacher.”
    “What if they could?”
    “Then I might be interested,” Rachel
conceded. “But that’s a big might. It’s not easy finding part-time
staff, especially this close to Christmas.”
    “And you wouldn’t have a problem with one of
my security guards following you?”
    Rachel shook her head. “It would only be for
two months. Once school starts in January, Bella will be joining
her class and I’ll be working full-time.”
    John smiled for the first time since she’d
sat down. Her breath caught in her throat. This wasn’t the reaction
anyone should have for their potential boss. It was just as well
he’d be at work for most of the day. “What hours would you want me
to work?”
    “Nine to three.” John tilted his head to the
side. “Is that a problem?”
    “No, that’s fine. I want to keep volunteering
at the library.”
    “Does that mean you’ll accept the
    Rachel thought about the job John was
offering her. She liked Bella, so teaching her would be fun. The
money he was offering would make up for some of the savings she
hadn’t been able to do when she was teaching part-time. As long as
she spent as little time as possible around her boss, she’d be
    But before she could accept the position,
there was one last thing she needed to sort out. “I need to talk to
the principal at Bozeman Elementary. If they can’t find someone to
replace me, then I won’t be able to leave.”
    “I’d better hope they have someone else,
    Rachel picked up her bag and coat. “I’ll let
you know what they say. When do you want me to start?”
    “As soon as possible.”
    She stood up and John did the same. “I still
think you’re paying too much, but I’m not going to complain. Thank
you for giving me the opportunity to work with Bella.”
    “I should be the one thanking you.”
    “Okay, well…” Rachel looked around the café,
then stuck her hand out toward John. “I guess I’ll speak to you
    His hand tightened around hers. “I’ll walk
you to your car.”
    Rachel shook her head. “I’ll be okay. Bye.”
And before John could say anything, she walked out of the café and
through the front doors. The cold air hit her face, cooled down her
body, and made her worry about what she’d just done.
    A week later, Rachel stopped her car in front
of the gates separating John’s home from the road. She rolled down
her window and pushed a button on a pole. The black iron gates slid
open and she drove up the driveway, staring at the home hidden
behind snow covered pine and spruce trees.
    She didn’t know what she’d expected to see,
but the white wooden siding home didn’t even come close. The
traditional two-story home wasn’t what she would have imagined a
billionaire would live in. She’d expected something grander,
something big and overwhelming that looked like an art gallery
instead of a family home.
    She stopped beside the front porch and undid
her seatbelt. She tried to imagine what it must be like to have so
much money that you didn’t have to worry about paying the next
utility bill, or counting down each week until you had enough money
to make a good deposit on a home. If John’s biggest worry was
someone following him, then he could count himself lucky.
    The front door opened and Bella stepped out
onto the porch. Her wide smile and laughing brown eyes calmed some
of the nerves racing through Rachel’s body.
    A man stepped out behind her. He had wide
shoulders, long legs, and an awareness about him that screamed
    Rachel got out of her car and waved at Bella.
“Hi. I’ll just get my teaching

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