Shadows of Deceit (A Series of Shadows)

Free Shadows of Deceit (A Series of Shadows) by Mell Corcoran

Book: Shadows of Deceit (A Series of Shadows) by Mell Corcoran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mell Corcoran
the backwoods?” Lou was laying it on thick to see how he handled the awkward pressure. She noticed immediately he had manners given he took a moment to swallow rather than talking with his mouth full like most guys she knew.
    “No ma’am. I’m not a hunter.” Dillon set his hot dog down and wiped his mouth before he continued. “I tend to like animals more than people, actually. They don’t lie or look for angles. No ulterior motives. They either like you or they don’t, plain and simple.”
    As if previously arranged in some contrived plot, Angus hopped up on the island and head-butted Dillon’s arm then proceeded to lick the chili off of his hot dog.
    “Angus!” Shevaun shrieked in horror. “Stop that! Oh my! I am so sorry Dillon!” She hopped up to retrieve the cat while Lou watched Dillon’s reaction like a hawk.
    “Oh no!” Dillon wrapped a protective arm around the cat. “He’s fine! Please leave him be, I have plenty to share.” Angus never batted an eyelash at the exchange, continuing to lick the chili from Dillon’s hot dog.
    “Oh I can’t, that is just bad manners!” Dillon reached across the island and placed his hand over Shevaun’s.
    “Really, he’s fine!” Dillon leaned back and scratched behind Angus’ ear. “Hey buddy, nice to meet you.”
    To Lou’s utter amazement, Angus began purring so loud that she could hear him across the table. She cocked her head to the side to be sure it was the cat and not her own stomach screaming for food, but sure enough, it was Angus. She tossed her mother and Vinny a look of astonishment and they simply shrugged. It was common knowledge that the cat really didn’t like people. He barely purred for Lou let alone a total stranger. That had only ever happened once, and only recently, with Max.
    Shevaun relented to Dillon and the cat with an uncomfortable sigh then moved on to the big subject. “Alright Vinny, spill the beans. What is going on with this case?”
    “Things are still pretty fresh and very sketchy. Not a ton to tell you right now.” As Lou expected, Vinny continued chomping his hot dogs as he filled them in on the case. Displaying none of the manners Dillon possessed. “We haven’t yet identified the victims but we have ruled out Arcano as being one of them. We got his prints from the security company since biometrics were integrated into the house security system. As of right now, Cassius Arcano is officially missing.”
    “But Jane said she saw him Friday, when she walked the dogs.” Lou’s mother was far more interested in what Vinny had to say than she was in eating her lunch.
    “Yes, and there is no record of him leaving the community after that either.” Vinny stabbed the air with his hot dog for dramatic effect.
    “There are absolutely no forensics?” Lou got up to get a pitcher of iced tea from the fridge. “Caroline said the house was vacant. Not even a piece of lint or dust.”
    “That’s correct ma’am.” Dillon spoke up. “Just residue from cleaning materials. They left the hard fixtures and appliances, like the refrigerator and such, but those were scrubbed clean.”
    “You call me ma’am again and I will stab you to death.” Lou stated matter-of-factly as she poured him a glass of iced tea.
    “Sorry.” Dillon would never understand why women outside of the south and the military were so opposed to being called ma’am. It was just good manners, after all. “There was trace found in the yard though.” He looked at Vinny for permission to continue but Vinny continued instead.
    “Hey, that friend of yours, that big wig security guy, Max?” Vinny got Shevaun and Lou’s undivided attention with the mention of Max’s name.
    “What about him?” Lou felt her guilt itching at the back of her throat.
    With what had happen to Lou, it was expected that for her parents would tighten security both in the community and at the house. They created a cover story to tell Vinny and Seamus that explained the

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