Ashen Rayne (Shadowlands Book 1)

Free Ashen Rayne (Shadowlands Book 1) by Skye Knizley

Book: Ashen Rayne (Shadowlands Book 1) by Skye Knizley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skye Knizley
last time she’d seen him. He still looked like a Don Johnson stunt double, but at least he’d traded in his linen suit for a cream sport coat and pants.
    Ashley stood and smiled at the detective, who frowned and crossed the lobby in long strides.
    “Good morning, Ms. Higgins. I told the officer on duty to have you wait in the interview room.”
    “He did,” Ashley replied. “I declined, it’s more comfortable out here, and I don’t think anyone will bother us. It’s good to see you, Detective.”
    “And you, Ms. Higgins.” Murphy’s face made the statement a lie.
    Ashley knew her father had made the detective’s life hell after what he’d done to Smoak.
    “What can I do for you?”
    “I’m interested in a case you were working,” Ashley replied. “Rayne Nightingale, a missing person.”
    “That name doesn’t ring a bell,” Murphy said, turning away. “Good night, Ms. Higgins…”
    Ashley reached out and stopped the detective. He looked back, anger flashing in his eyes.
    “I’m sure you do, Detective You spoke to her sister Blaze yesterday morning at the end of your shift. Rayne Nightingale isn’t a name you could forget. Would you care to sit down and tell me what you know, or do you want to keep fucking around?”
    “Fine, she’s a missing stripper, gone two days,” Murphy said. “Her background check showed a history of drug pushing and addiction. The department won’t waste resources on a case where the supposed victim is probably sleeping off a heroin fix in a dumpster somewhere.”
    “Her background also shows a straight A student on the Dean’s List trying to make a better life for herself, Detective. I guess you didn’t bother reading that far. Did you consider cross-referencing her with the other missing girls? Maybe she has something in common with them?”
    Murphy frowned. “No. I didn’t know she was a student, and I doubt she had anything to do with the other missing girls, but I’ll look into it.”
    Ashley glared daggers at the detective. “You stopped at pulling up her priors, didn’t you? You really are a piece of shit, Murphy. How did you even get another job after you let Smoak’s attackers get away?”
    “That’s enough, Ms. Higgins,” Murphy said, pulling his arm free.
    “Not even close, Detective.”
    “Keep talking if you want me to arrest you for assault, Ms. Higgins,” Murphy snarled.
    “I’ll be out in an hour, and you’ll be looking at yet another lawsuit. Go ahead.”
    Murphy’s face darkened, and he clenched his fists at his sides.
    “Get out of this station.”
    “Not yet,” Ashley said. She pushed past the seething detective and knocked on the customer service window. “Hi, Officer Ryan. Under my jurisdiction as a special Marine Corps officer, I would like to request a copy of the missing persons report for Rayne Nightingale, please.”
    “I’m not sure I can—” the officer started.
    “You can,” Ashley interrupted. “If you aren’t sure, please contact your lieutenant or General John Chandler, USMC. I believe they will give you the proper authorization.” She pulled a card from her pocket and slipped it under the glass. “You can fax it to me at this number.”
    The officer took the card and set it aside. “Of course, ma’am. I’ll get it to you before my shift ends.”
    Ashley smiled at the officer and turned away to find Murphy standing behind her, his face red with fury.
    “I’m sorry, Detective,” she said. “Did you say something? You must have forgotten I’m deaf. Lucky for you. By the look on your face, it would be me filing assault charges.”
    Murphy opened his mouth to reply, but Ashley pushed past him again, exiting into the night without a backwards glance. She crossed the courtyard to where Rock was waiting with the Tahoe. He waved when she approached and opened the door for her. She relaxed into the back seat and waited for Rock to get behind the wheel before she spoke.
    “Murphy is still as much of an ass

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