The Evil Twin?

Free The Evil Twin? by P.G. Van

Book: The Evil Twin? by P.G. Van Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.G. Van
over my own actions. When he released my lips and looked at me with a wicked smile, I knew something was off.
    “Reyan, what was that for?” I said shaking my head.
    “That was because I couldn’t keep my hands off you.”
    “Did you have anything to do with that reaction I had a few minutes ago?” I sneered.
    “I had nothing to do with that, but I took…” he started to say.
    “Took advantage?” I glared at him and tried to push him away, but he was too quick for me.
    “I didn’t get the feeling that you were fighting me,” he taunted.
    I tried to wiggle out of his embrace and refused to dignify his statement with a response.
    “Vinnie, why are you fighting this?” His voice was rough but smooth.
    “There is nothing to fight,” I snapped.
    Reyan chuckled, softening the tension that had built up and brought his lips closer. I stiffened my lips expecting him to kiss me again, but instead he took his lips to my jawline and planted a flurry of light kisses.
    “Your breath quickens every time I get close to you, and I know you want me as much as I want you.”
    “Dream on!!!”
    “Kiss me then!!” he said firmly.
    “What crap? Why would I do that?”
    “If it means nothing to you, kiss me and tell me you are not affected by it,” he challenged.
    “It’s the oldest trick in the book, and I am not falling for it.”
    “Free yourself then--hurt me,” he said stubbornly.
    “Are you some kind of psychopath? I am not going to hurt you.”
    “I dare you to either hurt me or...” he gritted.
    “Or what?” I continued to wiggle trying to get out of his hold, but I knew it was a futile effort. He had a stronger hold on my resolve than on my body.
    At that moment, all I could think about was to reach up and take my lips to his longing lips. I knew I had something for Reyan, especially after my steamy dream the other night, but I wasn’t willing to give in to my temptations. I had too much going on and a goal to work towards, and he would be a distraction.
    A huge distraction!!
    “Reyan, please. You don’t understand...” I said softly.
    “Try me!!”
    “Fine, can we talk later?”
    “Will you let me take you home tonight?” he asked instantly.
    “Yes, you can give me a ride home.”
    He planted a kiss on my cheek before releasing me. I felt an immediate longing to be held by him as soon as my arms were free.
    “Let’s go back in.” He took my hand in his and led me back inside.
    “You are not a very romantic guy are you?” I mocked.
    He stopped short making me run into him from behind.
    “What the...?”
    “You just kissed me next to a dumpster,” I reminded him.
    “Well, I blame you for making me behave irrationally.”
    “Very funny,” I mocked.
    We walked back into the restaurant hand in hand, and the group looked up grinning at us as if they knew everything that had happened between us.
    “I was wondering if you eloped with my girlfriend. Glad you decided to bring her back,” Neel teased.
    “Fake girlfriend dude,” Reyan retorted without a hitch.
    “Where did you guys go?” Chloe asked curiously.
    “I had a tingling feeling in my mouth, and I needed fresh air,” I said casually.
    “That’s an expected reaction. The Szechuan peppercorns tend to numb your mouth for a short period of time.”
    “I had no idea,” I stepped on Reyan’s foot under the table and added, “I seriously thought I was having an allergic reaction.”
    “It’s a standard first-time reaction, and it was just a little too eventful for you,” Annie winked.
    A change in topic was in order. “Neel, when is your brother’s wedding?” I asked ignoring Reyan’s scorching stare.
    “In a few weeks.”
    “Where is the wedding?” I asked with excitement.
    “It’s on our farm in Northern California.”
    “Why is the wedding on a farm?” Chloe asked for clarification.
    “Well, my dad is into farming and so is the bride’s dad and that’s how my brother was set up with his fiancée,” Neel

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