The Tempted

Free The Tempted by Donna Grant

Book: The Tempted by Donna Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Grant
Tags: english, paranormal romance, to-read
questions Meg’s and Leana’s husband had of her, she would remain.  
    After that…she wasn’t sure what she would do. Perhaps she would see if there was a vacant cottage in the forest. If not, maybe she would build herself something.
    As she turned to go back inside the castle and look for Meg, there was a shout from near the gatehouse. Morvan looked and saw a horse rearing, its hooves pawing the air in a bid to get free.
    The horse pulled free from the two men holding him and started running. Morvan looked behind her and saw a group of children frozen in fear as they watched the oncoming steed.
    Morvan stepped in front of the white horse and began to hum even as she heard a shout from the castle steps. She ignored whoever was telling her to move away and hummed louder. The horse slid to a halt and reared again.
    She shifted to keep from having a hoof hit her when the horse landed. Morvan put her hand on the steed’s shoulder, rubbing his white hair. He jerked his head up and down twice, shaking his long dark gray mane before he blew out a breath and remained still.
    His big black eyes closed when she ran her hand along his back. She saw the scars on the horse’s mouth, legs, and back. He was abused. No wonder he was so wild.
    “It’s all right,” she whispered as she rested her head on his neck. “I won’t let anyone hurt you now.”
    “You either have a death wish or a gift,” said a deep voice behind her. “Which is it, lass?”
    Morvan glanced over her shoulder to see Meg’s husband. So much for the people of Ravensclyde not knowing about her ability. “I’m sorry for falling asleep on you last night. I apologize, but I can’t remember if we were introduced. I’m Morvan.”
    “I’m Ronan, and the halfwit with his mouth open in surprise behind me is Morcant.”
    Morcant grunted. “I’m no’ a halfwit. She amazed me is all. Hell, Ronan, she shocked the entire bailey.”
    Morvan continued to rub the horse, the action calming her as much as the frightened animal. Morcant and Ronan. What were the odds of finding two men with the same names as the ones Stefan searched for? Was Daman around somewhere, as well?
    She met Ronan’s pale green gaze as he came to stand beside her and held out his hand for the horse to sniff. Ronan waited for the horse to accept him before he gently rubbed the steed’s forehead. “You doona have to fear us here, Morvan. As Leana told you last night, she has visions. Whatever gift you have is welcome.”
    “Where is Daman?”
    There was a flash of astonishment in Ronan’s gaze before his face lost all emotion. “You’ve seen Daman?”
    “Nay, but the fact you know the name means you also know the fourth one.” She wasn’t going to say Stefan’s name on the off chance that it was all a coincidence.
    Ronan looked at Morcant over his shoulder. A moment later, Morcant stood with them.
    “Stefan,” Morcant said. “The fourth’s name is Stefan.”
    Morvan’s knees buckled. She only managed to stay on her feet thanks to her hold on the horse’s mane.  
    Ronan’s brow furrowed as he leaned closer. “It was Stefan who helped you, was it no’, Morvan?”
    “Aye,” she whispered. “He’s the stranger I spoke of yesterday.”
    Morcant rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. “We need to go after him, Ronan.”
    Ronan nodded, but didn’t take his gaze from Morvan. “Where did he go? Is he returning here?”
    “He was on his way back to the place where it all began,” she said.
    Morcant let out a string of curses. “We can still catch him.”
    “Be careful,” Morvan cautioned. “He can be a bit untamed.”
    Ronan’s lips compressed. “We know firsthand.”
    She watched the two men stride off, hoping they were able to find Stefan quickly. Morvan walked the horse to the stables herself and fed him after putting him in his stall.
    By the time she returned to the castle, she was exhausted. She was quickly surrounded by Meg and Leana who guided her to the

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