The Magic Lands

Free The Magic Lands by Mark Hockley

Book: The Magic Lands by Mark Hockley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Hockley
Tags: Horror, Magic, Mystery, Dreams, dark, Faith
down at his hand,
his fingers becoming lifeless, but blood obscured his field of
vision, the weapon appearing insubstantial in his grasp.
    "Resurrection!" the ocean
seemed to cry all about him and Tom saw with wonder that no longer
did he grasp the blade. In its place another hand, one much larger
than his own, now clutched at his fingers with dreadful strength
and still his blood flowed into the sea-green kingdom, a scarlet
    Dimly he was aware of a sudden
riotous clamour, the shadowed inhabitants of the reeds surrounding
him, a thousand sets of teeth about to attack. And all at once,
with light blinding him, he re-emerged from the mirror waters,
hauling a burly figure through with him, tumbling over onto the
hard earth.
    As he lay sprawled on the
ground, he was amazed to find that he was completely dry, but a
moment later all such thoughts were driven from his mind, a sharp
twinge in his right side making him sit up, hesitant and
hand! he remembered, examining it, but there was no
sign of any injury.
    "Here," said a resonant voice
which he did not recognise and Tom was hoisted up effortlessly to
stand before a tall man dressed in a long grey coat and high
    "My name is…Dredger," the
figure introduced himself slowly, as if collecting himself.
    Tom looked quickly around for
his friends and was relieved to see Jack standing mutely to one
side, the boy staring at the man with undisguised astonishment.
    Padding over to face the
newcomer, the badger spoke. "At last."
    The tall man nodded and Tom
found it hard to take his eyes from the man. He was tall and
muscular, a short blade sheathed at his side, his age difficult to
judge but his best guess was around forty. He had the look of a
soldier, but Tom doubted that he would respond well to discipline.
He seemed a man who was his own master.
    "This is Tom," Mo indicated.
Jack, who had appeared dazed until now, stepped forward to join the
group. "And this is his companion and friend, Jack," the animal
    The man named Dredger eyed both
boys, his expression stern. "Friends are few and far between," he
said with emphasis.
    Tom stared at the warrior, for
that undoubtedly he was, wondering just who he could be and how he
had come to be there. He was aware that somehow he had brought this
stranger out of the mirror’s underwater domain, but what had taken
place there to bring about such a thing he could not be entirely
sure. Dreams and reality had intermingled and produced a new
condition, one where truth was blurred and facts were
    Dredger addressed Tom, leaning
down to look closely at his face. "You do not know me, but our
destinies are linked. There is much to be accomplished."
    Mo came to Tom's side. "Dredger
is an old ally and shall come with us for a way at least. He can
help us against the Wolf."
    At the mention of that name,
their new companion became perturbed and Jack thought he heard him
curse under his breath.
    "Do you know the White Wolf?"
Tom asked boldly.
    Dredger glared at him. "The
white dog!" he growled, "yes, I know it. I have met the Beast
before this day.” He spat the words venomously, his eyes like
burning coals and Tom noted uneasily that the man's pupils had
seemed to alter colour, and even as he watched they shimmered,
changing from yellow to orange to a pale grey. Tom glanced quickly
at Jack, both boys in awe of the man.
    Mo looked up at the tall
figure. "I fear the Wolf has become far stronger since you were
last here, my friend."
    Dredger seemed unconcerned by
this, folding his powerful arms. "But now I am no longer a child.
And the shape-changer will know my wrath, for the time has come for
all things to be settled. The prophecy will unfold. The boy has
come and I am born again." He looked down at Tom and then spoke
directly to him. "Once, long ago, I fought the Wolf. But I was
defeated." He said this with barely controlled anger. "I was
discarded, worthless, into the void. But I did not perish. I have

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