Sensuous Stories

Free Sensuous Stories by Keziah Hill

Book: Sensuous Stories by Keziah Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keziah Hill
they had enough
money for that. He scrubbed his hands over his face and gazed
around the office. The dirty cream walls and grey, threadbare
carpet sneered at him. A stale, rancid smell of cooking fat drifted
up from the fast food place downstairs. He threw the soaked paper
and the form guide in the bin and stared out the grime-flecked
window. There were better ways to make money than on horses. With
any luck the delivery would arrive soon and he’d be able to sell
the items for a good price. Fuck it, for a great price. Virginal Thai quim
wasn’t all that common and lots of places were hanging out for
    Nothing would get done if he didn’t get a
replacement for his secretary. She told him she’d be off for at
least a week with a bad flu. She wasn’t the best secretary in the
world, but she knew the ropes and more importantly, could keep her
mouth shut. It was a risk getting a temp in, but he’d sink without
one. He was certain he could keep his extra-curricular activities
hidden and let the temp concentrate on the immigration
    The bell in the outer office tinkled. He
opened the door and stood, staring. She was tiny, blonde and
couldn’t be more than seventeen. Wide blue eyes, minimal makeup and
a simple, sunny dress that draped softly around her boyish figure.
She smiled shyly.
    “ Mr Jenkins? I’m Sandra Hall
from the temp agency. They said you needed someone for a
    “ Yeah. Yeah. How old are
you? Sure you know what to do?”
    “ Here’s my resume. I’ve been
overseas for the last few years. Only got back a few days
    He scanned the pages and saw she was
twenty-five and had a fair amount of experience. Definitely not his
type though, even if a faint imprint of her round nipples pressed
against the soft cotton of her dress. She certainly didn’t need to
wear a bra with those slight bumps passing for breasts. His cock
twitched unexpectedly. Lack of sex was making him desperate.
    “ Okay. Good. I mainly need
you to answer the phone and do some typing and filing.”
    “ Sure,” she said. “No
    He stood behind her after she sat and fired
up the computer. Bending slightly, he pointed to where the files
were kept. The scent of something flowery floated around him. He
glanced at her short, curly hair and moved his gaze down the
smooth, pale skin of her arms and back to her neck. Her pulse was
beating fast and she seemed breathless. She shifted in her
    He smiled at her nervousness. More than just
nervousness he realized as she glanced up at him and blushed. She
wiggled in her seat some more. She was a pretty little thing
despite the lack of curves. A warm feeling of satisfaction tinged
with lust stole through him. It was gratifying to see someone
respond to him. Someone young and fresh and virginal. Which made
him think of his delivery. There was nothing incriminating on the
computer network, he’d made sure of that.
    He straightened and stood next to her, aware
of the bulge in his trousers. She turned her head slightly and
blushed again, quickly averting her face. His cock hardened and a
surge of hot greed spiked through him. She was so small. He
wondered what she’d look like naked, underneath him, as he pushed
into her tiny cunt. She’d be tight. Tight and wet. It would
probably hurt her and she’d gasp and whimper and beg him to stop.
But he wouldn’t and then she’d realise it was better that way,
better to open wide and be stretched, take him in and feel his
whole, hard tool ram home.
    His pulse hammered as he watched her. She
shifted again and her nipples sharpened. She wanted him, he was
sure of it. Maybe she was embarrassed. Somehow that made him even
harder. It was time to broaden his horizons, stop being so
predictable. Just because she didn’t have decent sized tits didn’t
mean she couldn’t fuck.
    “ You all set now Sandy?
Anything else you need to know?”
    “ Uh, no Mr Jenkins it all
seems fine thanks,” she said sounding shaky

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