The Barbarian's Bride

Free The Barbarian's Bride by Loki Renard

Book: The Barbarian's Bride by Loki Renard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loki Renard
Tags: RFU
They had made love not once, but twice. It was well and truly done. The thick white fluid coating her puffy lower lips was testament to that, as was the ache between her thighs.
    “We are married in the only sense that matters,” Rikiar said, caressing her body with strong hands.
    “We are married in the way rutting dogs are married,” Aisling replied quite indelicately.
    Rikiar chuckled. “Do you want a grand ceremony, my bride?”
    “A somewhat grand ceremony would be nice to make it official.”
    “What will make it official is the swelling of your belly,” Rikiar grinned.
    “We will definitely be married before that occurs,” Aisling replied. “My offspring will have legitimacy.”
    “All offspring are legitimate,” Rikiar drawled.
    “Not in my father’s estimation, nor in the eyes of those who will judge them.”
    “Such a proper maiden,” Rikiar teased, kissing her nose. “Very well, we will have a grand wedding on the next full moon. In one month’s time you will ride through the streets of Ravenblack not as a prisoner, but as my wife.”
    “Do you promise?”
    “I do,” he said, pressing his lips to her hand. “I give you my word.”

Chapter Five
    “You are glowing,” Mara said almost accusingly. Morning had broken and she was brushing out Aisling’s hair with long, sweeping, suspicious strokes. “He claimed you, did he not?”
    Aisling beamed broadly, but did not confirm Mara’s suspicions. It was much more fun to let the woman speculate.
    Mara smirked in the mirror. “You cannot hide the truth from me. I can see when a maiden has become a woman. It is in your eyes now, you know what it is to be ravaged by a man.”
    “Perhaps you are confusing your own reflection?” Aisling teased gently.
    “I know what it is to be taken,” Mara confirmed. “Berner and I have made love many, many, many times.”
    “But you have not married.”
    “If we were to be married I would live in his household and do his bidding day in, day out. I would become his wife.”
    “I believe that is considered to be the point of marriage.”
    “Yes,” Mara said. “But I like my freedom.”
    “So Berner ravishes you when he pleases and leaves you be the rest of the time?”
    “Quite so,” Mara beamed.
    “Sooner or later there will be consequences to that.”
    “None so far,” Mara replied. “And I thank the goddess for it.”
    Aisling would have given Mara a disappointed look, but it would have been wasted on the woman. Besides, she had matters of greater concern to think about. Making love was very fine indeed, but her plans for the day did not involve making love. They involved learning how to use a blade so Rikiar would not thrash her if he found one on her person.
    “Today I shall meet the blades tutor,” she said, watching Mara braid and pin her hair up and out of the way. “Who is he?”
    “She,” Mara replied, her voice slightly muffled because of the hair pin she held between her lips. “Her name is Helsa. She is one of Rikiar’s best warriors.”
    “A woman warrior?”
    “Not all the women in the world are locked away waiting for princes,” Mara said, teasing. “Some of them take their places on the battlefield.”
    It was a light-hearted jab, but it hit Aisling deep. She knew she was at a disadvantage for having been secluded.
    “Do not look so sad,” Mara said. “You are beautiful and young and Rikiar already loves you more than any other woman in the world. He has his pick, and he has chosen you.”
    Her words did cheer Aisling up a little. What cheered her up more was the arrival of her soon-to-be husband in the bedchamber.
    “Have you made yourself ready, my sword-maiden?” He smiled at her. He was, as usual, wearing a leather vest and leather pants. Aisling laid eyes on the exposed parts of his broad chest and his brawny arms and felt herself swoon.
    “I will always be ready for you, my love.”
    “Oh, by all the…” Mara shook her head. “What a disgustingly

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