This Time Around

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Book: This Time Around by Amy Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Davies
blowing. The things you see over there, really makes you open your eyes to what you have here in the UK. We can’t take things for granted, that’s for sure.”
    “I’m happy that you have experienced things over there. But now you are back here, so let’s get you back into the feel of things. Okay, we have little Ben in room four, he has hurt his arm while out playing football with the boys,” she explains, and I pick his chart up off the counter and make my way in to see little Ben.
    Ben wasn’t the only child to come through our doors on my first shift back. I was run off my feet by the time my shift was over. But I love my job. The different people that come through the doors with different injuries, it keeps me on my toes. I got to see Rachel during my shift as one little girl came in with a bad tummy which turned out to be appendicitis. Poor kid. I had my appendix out when I was thirteen. Walking back towards the staff room I see the rather handsome Dr. DeLuca; aka Dr. Lustful. He is rumoured to have flirted with nearly every nurse here at the hospital, but never actually slept with any of them.
    “Hello, Penny. Enjoying your first day back at work?” he asks with his trademark smile, showing his full straight white teeth. His shirt shows off his firm biceps, clearly showing the ladies that he works out regularly.
    “Hi, Dr. DeLuca. It was busy, lots of kids today. How are you?” I ask, returning his smile. He has always been nice to me, flirted a little and even asked me out for coffee one time. I turned him down of course.
    “Penny. How many times have I told you to call me Jason? I have been well, thank you. So, are you going to give in and have a coffee with me sometime?”
    “I’m sorry, Jason, but I don’t think my boyfriend would be happy if I went out for coffee or dinner with another bloke. Sorry.” I shrug my shoulders and grip the strap on my bag.
    “Boyfriend? When did that happen? You haven’t been back long enough to get into a relationship. And I saw you before you left and you were pretty single then.” He sounds a little pissed which confuses me. What right does he have to be pissed at me? I have always turned his advances down; I have never led him on.
    “It was on old thing that sparked back up when he moved back here. It is still new and we are seeing where it will go,” I tell him, keeping eye contact with him. He just nods his head and walks around me and over to the nurses station. Well, okay then. I walk past the girls and wave goodnight to them and walk over to my car. I fish around in my bag for the car keys and my phone. Once I unlock the car I slide in it and start up the car and drive home. I have the house to myself tonight. Driving home, I listen to the radio and think about Liam. I wonder what he is doing now. Just thinking about him makes my body buzz with excitement.
    Turning the music up when a song comes on that I love, I tap the steering wheel along with the beat. I get lost in the music, so much so that I don’t see the motorbike that is parked outside my house, until I pull into the drive and turn the car off. Turning my head I face the tall, dark, hot piece of man leaning against his bike. His long legs are crossed at the ankles that are encased in black biker boots. I step out of the car without taking my eyes off him. Liam smiles at me as he straightens up and walks towards me. I watch as his jean clad legs carry him closer. I watch his body move, the way his jeans ride low on his hips. Hips that I know can move in a perfect thrusting motion. I glide my gaze up from his jeans to his black tight t-shirt, that is rather form fitting. He is wearing a baseball cap on backwards, and I have to say it does something to me. His tattoos add to the bad boy look.
    I lean against my car and watch the walking sex God get closer to me. I lick my lips and keep my eyes fastened on his. Liam comes to a stop in front of me but doesn’t say anything. The smell of motor oil

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