This Time Around

Free This Time Around by Amy Davies

Book: This Time Around by Amy Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Davies
hard to have a social life, with work and Connie. But at least I don't have to have the awkward conversation with you about me having a daughter,” she laughs, and I swear that sounds goes straight to my dick. Which I would fucking love any other time but shit, we are in the middle of a children’s public playground. I chuckle to myself which earns me a weird look from Bambi. I put my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me, her body fits pretty fucking perfect against mine. She wraps her arms around me, resting her tiny hands on my hips. Shit, having her touching me is doing nothing to ease the hard-on I have in my shorts.
    “I think you need to cool off, Mr Bradley,” she says looking down at my dick. Damn it, she is right. This is so not that place for this.
    “Yep. Knox, let’s go buddy. Connie, you too,” I call over to them. I turn back to Penny and lean in and kiss her. It was only meant to be a soft kiss; a sample to tie me over. But fuck me sideways. Her body makes my senses go into hyper drive. I slant my head and deepen the kiss. My head feels as if it’s fucking spinning out of control. No woman has ever made me feel like this. I pull away from her mouth and press my forehead against hers. We are both breathing heavy.
    “Dad. Why are you kissing Connie’s mum?” Knox’s voice makes us jump from our lustful world. I keep my arm around Penny’s shoulders as we turn to face our kids.
    “Because I really like her son, and I think that she likes me.” I look at Penny who just nods with a smile on her face, letting me know everything I need to know.
    “So are you two like boyfriend and girlfriend, now?” Connie speaks up. I look back towards Penny who is looking a tad shell shocked, so I take the lead again.
    “Yes, Connie. I’m your mum’s, boyfriend. But we kind of want you two on board with this. You are in this with us as well. So, what do you say?”
    “Whatever,” Knox says.
    “Sooooo. Did you two know each other before? Because you kids are kind of rushing into this don’t you think?” Connie says, with her hands on her hips. Older than her years I see. I can also see that she has her mum’s sharp mind. I let go of Penny and kneel down in front of Knox and Connie.
    “To answer your question sweetheart, yes, me and your mum knew each other awhile back. Ten years ago, but we lost contact due to my busy work life. But I never forgot about her,” I state. My voice showing that I mean what I say.
    “Well alrighty then,” Connie says.
    “Come on, let’s walk these lovely ladies to their car bud.” I take a hold of Bambi’s hand and we start walking back to our cars. Penny sneezes and an older lady walks past at that exact moment.
    “Oh, bless you,” she says, kindly.
    “She is already blessed. She has me.” I wink at the lady and Penny bursts out laughing.
    One day at a time. This is our chance and I will not let anyone or anything ruin it this time around.

    The dreaded day first day back to work is here. Connie is at Darla and Matt’s house as they are going to the beach today. I have missed work, but also could really be at the beach right now. We are having a really warm time here at the moment so we have to savour it while we can. Walking through the doors to the Accident and Emergency room I see Suzy and a few other nurses I work with. I wave and say my hello’s as I walk past them and into the staff room. I open my locker and dump my bag inside. Pinning my ID badge to my pocket, I walk over to the mirror and adjust my ponytail. I check my make-up, not that I have much on. The last night I wore a full face a make-up to work, we were rushed off our feet and I went home looking like Cruella De Vil had been dumped in water. One last look and I walk out onto the floor and catch up on what patients we have in the beds
    “Hey, welcome back. So how was it over there?” Suzy asks. I love Suzy, she is like a second mum to us nurses.
    “Morning. It was mind

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