A False Proposal
not, because she’d been longing for Adam’s kiss her whole life. Instead, Cass lifted her face and closed her eyes, waiting. No one had ever called her irresistible before, after all. What if this was her only chance? The only time she would ever—
    His lips touched hers, and she couldn’t keep a moan from slipping out. With one strong hand, he cupped the back of her head, pulling her closer and skimming his tongue across the seam of her lips. She swayed against him, and he put his arms around her. Opening her mouth to him seemed natural. Cass had never been held or kissed like this before. It felt delicious. It felt wonderful. She wanted it to go on and on. Her body pressed against his, tingling and alive, her insides burning. If it had been possible to move closer to him, she would have. She wanted to feel every bit of his muscled body aligned with hers. She’d left her arms at her sides, but now moved them slowly up and around his neck.
    His lips grazed her cheek, her jaw line, and moved down her neck, dropping sweet kisses as he went. Weaving one of her curls through his fingers, he whispered, “This hair. This beautiful hair,” then brought it to his lips and kissed it. His mouth returned to her skin, moving downward, still feathering kisses. His hands lightly brushed her breasts through the thin fabric of her gown and chemise, but this time she stifled her moan. And then rational thought took over, and she reluctantly withdrew her arms.
    Adam raised his head. More gently this time, he kissed her lips, stroking the side of her face with his thumb. As he drew away, he murmured, “Sweetest Cassie.”
    Suddenly, she felt embarrassed. What must he think of her, kissing him with such abandon? Offering herself to him? Not feeling capable of speech, she simply waited for him to say something.
    Adam reached out and touched her hair. “Turn around and let me see your gown in back.”
    Not what she’d hoped he would say, but obediently, she spun round, and gasped when his hands smoothed away wrinkles, all of which seemed to be conveniently located on her derriere, and made a few other adjustments here and there. Obviously, he’d had practice at this.
    “You look…perfect. I’ll return to the drawing room first. Wait here for a few minutes.”
    Cass nodded, reaching out to make a minor alteration to his neck cloth. He captured her hand and kissed her palm, then strode toward the door. She could hardly bear the thought of his leaving her.
    “Adam,” she said softly, before he opened the door. “Thank you for watching over me.”
    “I’m at your service any time, Cassie. But I hardly think you needed me.”
    But I do need you . She felt intoxicated, bewildered by the overpowering attraction she felt for Adam. She’d experienced nothing like it before, although dancing with him had come close. Cass plunked back down onto the window seat. In an abrupt reversal of her earlier feelings, she decided she could take her place in society, provided Adam was there. Although she hadn’t taken into account how he would feel about her if he knew the whole truth about the circumstances surrounding Bentley’s horrific death. There were things even Jack did not know.
    Shortly after Cass re-entered the drawing room, the party broke up, even though the hour was still early. Carriages were called for, and wraps retrieved. In a time of crisis, it was only natural for people to want to be at home, waiting for news and staying close to family. There was no further opportunity for Cass to speak privately with Adam, although he lightly kissed her fingers when they bid each other good night.
    After Deborah retired, Adam sent his butler to bed, deciding to close up himself. He prowled from room to room, making sure candles were snuffed, and fires banked. Finally, he reached the library, where less than an hour ago he’d almost lost his head with Cass.
    At the drinks trolley, he poured himself a finger of brandy and lowered his tall

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