The Suspicious Proposal

Free The Suspicious Proposal by Cherry Kay

Book: The Suspicious Proposal by Cherry Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherry Kay
them, too."
    "Did he get sick?" Lena asked quietly, walking to her and placing her hand on Brittany's forehead.
    "No," she answered. "He didn't. He took them with him, though, when he left, so maybe he got sick later."
    Lena sighed. "Oh no... " Then she walked over to the door and picked up her purse. "I'll be back in a little bit. You stay here and get some rest. Take it easy. Is your phone off?" Lena asked, narrowing her eyes.
    "Yeah, it's off," Brittany answered.
    "Good. No one who should be talking to you is going to call you. I'll be back in a little bit,” she said and disappeared.
    "You have your key?" Brittany called out after her.
    "I got it,” Lena answered, and then she heard the door close and lock.
    Brittany stared off into space for a while and then fell asleep again, and didn't wake up until Lena was shaking her awake.
    "Get up, you gotta get up, honey. Come on now,” Lena said, moving her hand over Brittany's shoulder.
    "I don't want to get up,” Brittany answered in a quiet voice.
    "You don't have a choice. I want you to do something right now,” Lena insisted, pulling Brittany up by her arm.
    Brittany sat up and looked at her. "What? What are we doing?" she asked with a grumble.
    Lena picked up a bag off the end of the bed and pulled two boxes from it, handing them both to Brittany.
    " Bathroom. Now." 
    Brittany looked at the boxes and her eyes grew wide. "Oh no! No... That’s not what's wrong with me! I just got sick because of the chocolates, and because I was upset... I... no! This isn't what's wrong with me at all!" she insisted adamantly.
    "Well, we'll know in a minute, won't we?" Lena said, pulling her from the bed and walking her to the bathroom. She pushed Brittany inside and closed the door.
    "I'll wait for you right here,” she said firmly. "Get busy."
    Three minutes later, there was a loud cry from the bathroom and Lena opened the door to see Brittany standing over the sink with both tests in her hands and both of them had a little blue plus sign on them.
    Lena sighed and shook her head, wrapping her arms around Brittany.
    “It's alright. You're going to be alright. We're going to get you through this together, and you are going to be just fine. People have babies every single day,” Lena told her in a soft comforting voice.
    It didn't help much. Brittany felt like her whole world had caved in even further than it had already been. It couldn't be possible that things could be worse. It couldn't be possible that she could hurt more. It couldn't be possible that anything could have made her whole ordeal with Logan worse than it had been.
    Then it was possible.
    Lena took her from the bathroom after carefully examining both tests, and led her over to her bed and they both climbed into it and sat side by side.
    Brittany began crying all over again.
    "What am I going to do?" she asked miserably. "I didn't think it could get worse. It's so much worse!"
    Lena shook her head. "We are going to have a baby and you are not going to do it alone. Not any part of it. I'll be here for all of it, and you will make it through, and someday you're going to look back at this and not feel like it was one of the worst days of your life."
    Brittany buried herself in Lena's hug. "Do you promise?" she asked as she wept.
    "I promise,” Lena told her softly as she rubbed Brittany's back and leaned her head on her friend's head. "Someday this day will have become a blessing."
    "You have to promise me that you are going to keep this a secret,” Brittany told Lena. "I don't want anyone to know. Not even Darren, at least, not for a while. Please?" She looked up at her friend and begged her, and Lena sighed and agreed.
    "I was surprised that you let him back into your life as much as you have, which isn't much, but I thought you'd have kept him out completely. I'm glad you two are becoming friends

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