ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Free ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories) by Jessa Hawke

Book: ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories) by Jessa Hawke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessa Hawke
said as if small talk was going to change the fact that not only was he going to be sleeping with the girl of his dreams, but he was going to do so with the one man who might just take that dream away from him.
                  “Ummm… right.” Anton said awkwardly. “After this Hailey, my dear, we can finally work on a concrete way of protecting you for good.”
                  “You guys don’t have to do this if it’s too awkward for both of you.” Hailey said still looking away from the two.
                  “Anything for you.” Caleb responded with a hush voice.
                  “Anything.” Anton repeated.
                  It was weird for Caleb, seeing himself like that. His iridescent double was so into what it was doing, not minding that he was doing it with another man – something Caleb thought he would never do in a million years.
                  Hailey stood up, breaking the monotony, and slowly slid over her robe to reveal her alabaster skin, dewy in the soft incandescence of the candles they had lit.
                  Caleb felt himself harden at the very sight of Hailey’s exposed skin. He too stood and slowly walked towards the now completely naked woman whom he had always loved. His penis was tumescent with lust as his eyes took in Hailey’s heaving bosom.
                  Hailey could see Caleb’s groin instantly tighten. She raised her finger to tease Caleb’s penis against the rough denim that held it captive. It jolted as if struck by lightning as Hailey led his hand from her cheek down the curve f her neck.
                  Hailey’s nipples were swelling from the feel of Caleb’s rough hands. But it was his artful way of encircling her nipples with his tongue that made Hailey shriek in delight.
                  “Ahhh…” Hailey moaned as Caleb’s tongue began to inch lower down her waist to her nether folds, dripping wet with anticipation.
                  He tried to sneak a glance at Anton who was by now blushing from ear to ear at the scene they were witnessing.
                  “Gustav? Can we move it a long?” Anton finally spoke up as Gustav was still meditating and chanting.
                  “Always in a hurry, that’s a trait you have to work on changing, young Dominguez. You are very much like your grandfather.”
                  Anton shook his head and pointed to the scene that was still playing out in front of them. Gustav let out a laugh that did not at all disturb the images of Caleb and Anton servicing the beautiful Hailey.
                  “I’m sorry. I promise it will go by faster as soon as I finish my incantation.” Gustav answered. “I haven’t done this in a very long time, and to be honest, I have never done this to save a sacrifice.”
                  “I know.” Anton responded.
                  “You might just be better than your grandfather.” Gustav winked before he closed his eyes one more time to finish his chanting.
                  The lights started to shine in a deeper color – it was almost orange, but not the pretty kind. It was orange like fire burning.
                  She screamed. Waiting right at the bottom of her doorstep was the rogue wolf.
                  “Hailey!” Caleb yelled as he and Anton heard her scream from downstairs.
                  With lightning speed, the two Alphas bolted down the stairs to find Hailey curled up on the steps, whimpering and quivering in fear. The rogue wolf gritted its teeth as the two other wolves approached him.
                  Without warning, Caleb leapt through the air over Hailey, smashing into the vicious black wolf. Anton ran and grappled it down with his fangs, violently tearing his head from side to side, while Caleb

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