The Sword And The Pen

Free The Sword And The Pen by Elysa Hendricks

Book: The Sword And The Pen by Elysa Hendricks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elysa Hendricks
monetary system I couldn't decipher the costs. How much was $100 in gold or silver coin?
    Again I wondered why the wizard hadn't conjured me some clothing instead of bringing me to this amazing bazaar and spending his coin. Did he mean to intimidate me with its size and splendor, cow me into acquiescence with this show of wealth, if indeed that was what this was? I had to assume it was, what with all the glass walls and sumptuous fabrics. But why do this when he had merely to speak a spell to put me back under his control?
    None of the solutions I considered fit the man I was coming to know. The wizard was kind and considerate. Funny and intense. Stubborn and frustrating. With him, I felt like more than a simple commander of troops, more than Barue's last and best hope to defeat Roark. More than his creation. He made me feel my life, my wants, my needs mattered. He fed and clothed me. He spoke of me and to me as a real person.
    Another more disturbing idea occurred to me. Perhaps he wasn't the powerful but inept wizard I believed him to be. If he was indeed only what he claimed--a scribe or troubadour--how and why had I come to be here? What power had summoned or created me?
    And what chance did I have of ever returning to my home?


    "With age a leopard's spots may fade, but do not forget he remains a leopard." --Brother Eldrin, Order of Light

    Brandon watched as Seri tried on outfit after outfit, shorts, slacks, skirts, blouses and shoes in a dozen different combinations, each more attractive than the last. Considering how much he'd hated shopping with Wanda, he was surprised to find himself enjoying the impromptu fashion show. And maybe it was because of Seri's reluctance to accept more than the bare minimum from him, but he insisted on buying almost everything she tried on. Her restrained pleasure and excitement was infectious.
    She came out of the dressing room in an ankle-length wispy dress that molded to her upper body like a second skin and floated around her hips and legs like a cloud, and his heart rate accelerated. The soft cream color with its pale rose pattern turned her complexion a honey gold, and her hair to bronze. Thin straps left her shoulders and arms bare, while its scooped neckline emphasized her breasts. Though this dress covered more of her body than the skimpy outfit of earlier, it stirred his imagination and libido to new heights.
    A touch of insecurity entered her eyes as he stared.
    "We'll take it," he said, and handed the saleswoman his credit card. "Wrap up the rest. She'll wear this home."
    Smiling, the saleswoman gathered up the clothing and hurried off to ring up the sale before he changed his mind. Brandon could almost see her mentally calculating her commission, and he was glad he'd made both women happy.
    "It's not practical!" Seri stroked the material covering her hip with a loving hand. "You've already purchased far more than I need."
    Whatever this woman was after, he didn't think it had anything to do with money. He shrugged. "Consider it payment."
    "Payment for what?" Her gaze was wary.
    "I don't know. For helping me overcome writer's block?"
    "And how do I perform this task?"
    He ran his hand over the base of his neck. "I'm not sure, but we'll work something out. For now, just enjoy the clothing."
    "I--" She started to speak, but was interrupted by the saleswoman's return.
    Brandon signed the credit card receipt and made arrangements to have the clothing delivered, he didn't care to have to cart the numerous bags and boxes, and then turned to Seri. "Come on, let's get out of here." He glanced at his watch. "It's nearly one. Are you hungry?"
    She grinned. "Starving."
    Back out in the mall, the reality of the sci-fi/fantasy fair hit him. The noise and the people swarming everywhere made him feel claustrophobic. His heart started to pound and his palms grew damp.
    Seri, on the other hand, seemed to revel in the excitement. Her hunger apparently forgotten, she dragged him

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