After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)

Free After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) by Nelson Chereta

Book: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) by Nelson Chereta Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nelson Chereta
move her slowly through the air in front of him. Jenna was laughing and wriggling, having the time of her life.
    As this was happening, Waldo heard a loud snort from behind him. He turned to see Gronk’s grin. Through their bond, Waldo could sense amusement.
    “What? She kept bothering me about using my magic to make her fly. Since Alice won’t let me gag her, this is the only way to get her to stop.”
    Gronk nodded, though the smirk didn’t change at all. “Gronk see Master know what he do.”
    Waldo then shifted his gaze to Alice. Through their connection, he perceived she was also pleased. Though her emotions were more… maternal?
    She brought her hands together and sighed. “You’re going to make a wonderful father someday.”
    Meanwhile, Jenna began shouting for him to send her higher into the air.
    They finally stumbled across the village where the children came from. It was a little place called Peabody and looked like every other small village in this part of Lothas.
    There had been a huge commotion among the villagers as the children were quickly reunited with their parents. A big bearded fellow by the name of Lorimer addressed them. “Thank you, Master Rabbit, for returning our little ones to us.” The man performed an awkward bow, and most of the villagers followed his example. “We are truly grateful to you.”
    “You have an odd way of showing it.”
    Every man except for Lorimer was armed with either a spear, a rusty sword, or a bow. The archers had them nocked and drawn.
    “Ah, please forgive us for being wary. It is not you we fear.” Lorimer’s eyes went past him and settled on Gronk. “We suffered an ogre attack recently. An entire family was slaughtered and eaten.”
    Gronk planted his hands on his hips. “Maybe they asking for it, you no know. Humans no think about ogre side.”
    This made all the men grip their weapons a little tighter and caused the mothers to hold their children close to them.
    Alice tried to elbow Gronk in the ribs but wasn’t quite tall enough to manage. She got him around the hips instead.
    “I confess I am more than a little surprised to see a White Mage traveling with such a beast. Another White Mage came here and killed the one that attacked us. She made it very clear her order didn’t believe monsters should be allowed to live.”
    “She really said that?” Alice asked, looking rather unhappy.
    “She did. Doesn’t Master Rabbit feel the same?”
    “Well, of course I do. I am a White Mage, after all,” Waldo gave his robes a shake as if to draw extra attention to them. “I prefer to work them to death, is all.”
    “Ah, as you say, Master Rabbit.”
    One of the boys who’d been returned picked this moment to point at Alice and shout. “She’s a monster, too! I saw her with horns and claws and wings! She was gonna eat us, but Master Rabbit stopped her!” His mother quieted him, but the other children all nodded.
    “The kids went through a lot,” Waldo said. “Obviously they’re a bit confused.”
    “It’s not surprising.”
    “Master Rabbit wanted to make us slaves,” one of the girls said. Her mother immediately smacked her on top of the head and told her to be silent.
    “Anyway, this other White Mage, her name wouldn’t have been Melissa by any chance, would it?”
    “Why, yes, do you know Mistress Cornwall?”
    “As a matter of fact, we ran into each other in Middleton a few days ago. She did me a great favor.”
    “Ah, well, good. Hopefully, you will meet her again soon.”
    “With my luck, I probably will. I am going to Norwich, could you tell me how to get there?”
    “Norwich is about three days travel to the northeast. If you follow the path outside our gate, it will take you to the main road five miles from here.”
    Waldo nodded. “Sounds simple

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