to struggle with her. He couldn't move her.
Now he was pissed. "What the hell are you doing? Get your foot off... Get your Goddamned foot off ."
She took over the steering wheel. She had to get away.
Lawrence couldn't do anything with her. He reached for the keys, turned off the ignition and applied the brake with his left foot. The truck slowed down. At first she didn't realize what had happened and pumped the gas.
He took hold of the wheel. "Don't, you'll flood it."
The truck came to a stop at the top of the ramp to the first floor.
She looked at the ignition, then at him. "What are you doin'?"
"What am I doin'? Get off me. You're out of your mind... Get off and get out ."
She moved over to the passenger seat. "Larry please, you don't understand."
"What's to understand? Jesus, lady, look at my truck... I hope you've got insurance."
"Nobody asked you to follow me." She glanced behind them. "You better hurry, or you're gonna come face to face with a much bigger problem."
He turned, looked at the hole, then at her. She wasn't faking how scared she was. Something crossed his mind. You know, that thing about something being the better part of valor. He started the truck, put it in gear and turned down the ramp to the first floor. He thought, this better be good... and she’d better have insurance.
Lawrence's truck turned onto the ground floor and crossed to the exit. He slowed to let traffic pass, and then turned right, into the street.
Texas Avenue was one-way only. The traffic wasn't heavy, with just an occasional bus to avoid. People were going about their business on the sidewalks.
She hadn't said a word. She was facing her window.
He glanced behind him, then at her. "What happened to the back of my truck? Who's after you?"
She looked at him. God, what a mess, she thought. "I haven't done anything wrong. If you'll take me home I'll explain on the way."
"Okay, where's home?"
"North of here, off forty-five... Please... Hurry."
He watched her from the side. Why did he have the feeling he was about to do something he'd hopefully live to regret?
The stairway exit to the roof slammed opened and the Bounty Hunters stepped out one behind the other. The big one carried the body of the one Margaret had killed. They crossed to the far side of the roof. An opening appeared out of thin air. They entered their cloaked ship and the opening disappeared.
A few moments later the air surged on the roof as the small Scout Ship lifted off. Returning to the orbiting Mother Ship empty handed, with one of their own dead, might very well proof fatal for someone else.
Lawrence moved over a block and headed back toward Walker Street. From there he could get on the freeway. They rode in silence. She didn't say anything and he wasn't sure what to ask. If he'd had any sense, his nose would've stayed where it belonged.
A number of meanings, for what he'd just witnessed, coursed through his mind. Maybe she was with the government or something. After all, whatever hit the back of his truck sure as hell wasn't standard issue. Maybe it was our government she was running from. Maybe they were after him
Robbie Cheuvront, Erik Reed, Shawn Allen