SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

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Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
mirror. She was trying to cut the label off the back of one my shirts because it was itching her neck. I had given it to her to wear around the hotel. She looked gorgeous in it. The white fabric made her skin seem luminescent. And as I looked her in the mirror, she caught my gaze and bit her lip. I know it’s cliché but anything she does with her mouth, whether it’s biting her lips, smiling or whistling to a song looks sexy. It makes me instantly hard, and as I stood behind her then, I knew I had to have her.
    There’s one thing I know will send shivers across Carrie’s skin. One thing more than anything else I know she loves. So I started gently tickling her collarbones and stroking the back of her neck. She immediately melted back into me. The mirror showed me the look on her face and I felt my hardness spring up even further, nudging her in the back. I wanted to make her orgasm so I dropped to my knees in front and lifted the shirt. Her hands were in my hair, laughing and pushing me away but when I parted her legs and slid down her cotton underwear, her breathing changed from squeals of mirth to gasps of excitement.
    I buried my face in the sweetness of her folds, slowly darting my tongue between the lips of her pussy as she relaxed her thighs and let me inside. In a flash my desire for her peaked. I wanted all of her then, so I lifted her in my arms to the bed, placed her down gently and removed my shirt from her long, lean body. She was so beautiful. I looked into her eyes for a long moment before continuing to devote my tongue and hands to her pleasure.
    I could feel when she was ready, her slick folds begging me to slide myself inside. But I resisted, delaying gratification, as I knew it would take her so much higher.
    I took my spot next to her and pulled her close to me, nibbling on her shoulder and tugging gently at her nipples. I lost my own clothes then, and my cock was like hot stone, pressing into her buttocks. I nudged her thighs open and slid it across the wet folds of her soft, beautiful pussy. She groaned as my head nudged her clit. I started a gentle rhythm, stroking her with my cock, palming her nipples and blowing on the back of her neck.
    She was breathing hard by then, panting with desire for me but still saying nothing, waiting for me to take the lead. It was so hot. I wanted her right then, and I was about to turn her to face me when she twisted her body in my arms. Our faces were so close, and she touched my cheek. Something was happening between us. I don’t know what, but it was like nothing I’d experienced. I wanted this woman close to me.
    She sensed my intensified need. Her mouth met mine in a slow passionate kiss. Her tongue gently entered my mouth, tasting me as our lips stayed locked. I pulled her closer. I wanted to possess her, but I maintained control, kissing her like no man had kissed her before, showing her with every breath that she was mine and that she mattered.
    Her hands moved in to rest on my chest, and she pushed me back against the bed. This was new. She didn’t usually take control, but she straddled me, sheer power searing from her eyes. Those luscious breasts hung above me like fruit. I couldn’t resist reaching up to cup them, reveling in her reaction to my hands. She threw back her head, exposing that long beautiful neck, and I wanted to thrust inside of her right away. I continued to wait, letting her grind me slowly, building her own pleasure on my hardness before penetration.
    She gave me a naughty look before she leaned in and began planting kisses on my chest. They were feather light, and my body reacted instantly, a deep low moan escaping from my lips. Before I knew what was happening, she worked her way down my body, never breaking eye contact once.
    I couldn’t look away. I wanted this to be about her, but she seemed to have other ideas. I was helpless under her caress, so I surrendered and watched with anticipation, as she got closer to my raging

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