Israel at War: Inside the Nuclear Showdown With Iran

Free Israel at War: Inside the Nuclear Showdown With Iran by Joel C. Rosenberg

Book: Israel at War: Inside the Nuclear Showdown With Iran by Joel C. Rosenberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel C. Rosenberg
Tags: RELIGION / Christian Life / Social Issues
Fund staff and key allies with satellite phones to be ready to communicate with one another if a war knocks out the cell phone infrastructure
purchased and installed a large generator (and fuel supply) at The Joshua Fund warehouse, and purchased and installed smaller generators (and fuel supplies) for the twelve relief centers to have auxiliary power in case war knocks out the power grid
stockpiled food, water, blankets, and other supplies in case of war or other national emergencies
put our Israeli staff, allies, and volunteers through training in emergency first aid and how to operate in a crisis
equipped our facilities with fully stocked bomb shelters
assisted Christian ministries serving the Palestinians as well as the people of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and even Iran
traveled into many of these countries to pray for peace, encourage the local believers, teach the Word of God, and find other practical ways to love and bless Israel’s neighbors now and in the future, should war erupt
translated my Inside the Revolution documentary film into Farsi and aired it more than forty times on satellite television in Iran. The film explains the latest geopolitical threats and tensions in the Middle East, the Bible prophecies about the future of Israel and Iran, and the stories of Muslims converting to Christianity in record numbers (including in Iran). This special version of the film also closes with Iranian evangelist Hormoz Shariat explaining the gospel in Farsi and giving viewers an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
    Is this work easy? No. Is what we have done thus far enough? No. But step by step, we’re making progress, caring for poor and needy families—both Jewish and Arab—now, while also getting ready to be a help in times of war and trauma. God is raising up a movement of Christ followers around the world who are committed to loving Israelis because Jesus loves Israelis . . . and loving Palestinians because Jesus loves Palestinians . . . and loving Arabs and Iranians because Jesus loves them, too. This is how the body of Christ is supposed to work—those who have praying, caring, and serving those in need , and doing so in the name of Jesus Christ with unconditional love and unwavering support.
    Most Christians have very little geopolitical influence, but we are not powerless. We can pray. We can teach the Word. We can encourage and equip our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. We can show Christ’s love and compassion to all. Jesus commands us: Love your neighbor. Love your enemies. And love one another. This we must do, for if we don’t obey the Lord and shine as a light in the darkness—especially now—who will?
    Final Thoughts
    The Islamic Republic of Iran declared war on Israel and the United States during the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Its leaders have been hell-bent on killing Jews and Christians ever since, and in recent years they have called outright for the annihilation of both countries.
    Now Iran’s leaders—members of an apocalyptic, genocidal death cult who are driven by a murderous Shia Islamic eschatology that calls people to commit genocide in order to hasten the return of the Twelfth Imam—are doing everything in their power to build nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them.
    The latest intelligence indicates Iran is 70 percent of the way to building the Bomb. By spring 2013, Iran could be 90 percent of the way to having a nuclear arsenal. Soon they will have the means to accomplish their mission.
    Make no mistake: Israel is already at war. Its leaders and people are fighting for their very existence.
    Thus far, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government have been waging a fierce and relentless diplomatic, financial, and covert war to slow down and hopefully stop Iran’s bid for the Bomb. But they haven’t made nearly enough progress, and they know it. Now time is running out. If the dynamic doesn’t change

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