The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

Free The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles by Audra Hart

Book: The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles by Audra Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Hart
major wrong with her.  “I wish all my patients had so little need for me Morna.”  He kisses her cheek and shakes Luca’s hand.  “I assume we will be able to communicate through Alberich if necessary?”
    “I would think so,” says Morna.  “I can always establish a link with you, unless that ability has been disturbed by what happened to Ari.  But do be careful.  I really don’t trust Magdrid.  By the way godson, I want you to know that I think you are a far better choice to lead the Guild than me.  Honestly, I am relieved to learn I am not destined to take over.”
    “Don’t get too comfortable Morna, I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of Magdrid’s decree.”  Elias admits.  “And it is utter nonsense to say I would be a better choice than you.  You may not remember who and what you truly used to be, but I do.  I didn’t grow up adoring you just because you were pretty and made rainbows for me.  I adored you because you were wise, fair, powerful, reasonable, and absolutely devoted to protecting us all.  Those attributes still apply.  You are destined to lead the Spell Weavers.  You always have been and curses nor your changing into some kind of hybrid vampire doesn’t change that.  You were preordained to be the greatest First Spell Weaver of Airendell.  Not me and sure as hell not Magdrid.”
    Elias’ impassioned speech gives Morna pause.  She kisses his cheek and hugs him tightly.  “I will try to not fail your confidence in me.  Please be safe Elias, you are very dear to me.”
    “I can say the same to you Pretty Morna.” Elias says before he turns and walks out of the cottage.
    “Luca, I am more confused than ever,” she whispers.
    Luca takes her hand in his and says, “He is right.  You know that.”
    Morna gets up and starts pacing, impatient to be off to Asgard.  She goes back into their bedroom and picks up Damian’s backpack and rummages around for another coke.  She chills it and then pops the top and takes a big drink.  Luca has followed her into the bedroom.  “It amazes me you figured out how to do that.  You must show me some day.”
    “No time like the present Morna quips and quickly explains the mechanics of the spell.  It’s not a spell in the traditional Spell Weaver sense, Morna basically taps in the magic that resides in her being and harnesses to do her bidding.  Luca is very impressed and finds he can barely put a thin coating of frost on a can.  “No worries love.  It took me two weeks to really get the hang of it.”
    Valliant enters the front room and the pair goes to meet him.  “Yes, and then she froze an entire pack of Utgard wolves that attacked as we crossed the plain of Rind.”  Morna can’t help but notice that his face softens at use of his grandmother’s name.  Morna wishes, not for the first time that she had had the chance to meet the Giantess that was her great-grandmother.
    “How do you plan to sneak up on Magdrid’ spies?” Morna asks.
    “I will walk up to them, carrying you in my arms and Luca and Damian can sneak up behind them and take them out,” chuckles Valliant.
    “That’s a good, simple plan, I like it,” says Luca with a smile.
    “My grandson thought of it,” says Valliant proudly.  Luca and Morna chuckle at Valliant’s eagerness to accept Damian as part of his family.
    “Well, let’s go” says Morna.  She tugs the backpack on and heads for the door. 
    “Not so fast Baby Girl,” roars Valliant.  “You are supposed to be injured, remember?” 
    “Oh yeah,” Morna laughs.  She hands the backpack to Luca and holds her hands out to her father, waiting for him to pick up and carry her like an invalid.
    “Damian and George should be in place by now, let’s go Baby Girl.”  Valliant scoops her up into his arms and heads for the gateway as Luca slips out the back door.  They approach the two spies quickly.  Morna is feigning unconsciousness, but she can hear Luca, Damian and George

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