Border of the sun

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Book: Border of the sun by Aditya Mewati Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aditya Mewati
      "Just the serum?"
      Katz laughed and got up from the chair. "They are trying to reduce the infection time."
      Katz heard the owner of the voice sighing in relief. "Any success?"
      "Can't tell. They haven't run any tests yet." Katz said, moving toward the door.
      "Alex, Bill said that it's risky with all the plants around us. And also the  climate." Katz gripped the doorknob. "He Suggested to run the tests somewhere with a cooler  climate, and also a little far away from the Greenery." Saying this, Katz pushed the door open.
      He was standing on the balcony of some kind of tower. The expanse of green trees stretched all around him, melting into the ocean at the horizon. Below him was a big clearing, cluttered with small houses, Jeeps and armored vehicles.
      "What do you mean?"
      "Antarctica," He said, gazing at the white birds skimming over the trees. "... Today the world will witness the start of our real mission. Today the world will witness The start of ... The border of the sun... soon we'll cross that border...  soon we'll be regarded as the gods. "
      "What do you mean?" Karthik asked angrily.
      "She can't go in," The man replied, staring at his tablet. "Her name is not on the guest list."
      Lilly glared at him. "Come on. We'll find some other way in." She tugged Karthik's sleeve.
      Karthik pulled his hand from her grasp and glared at the men. "I'm the attorney of Mr. Ford."
      "No one is stopping you." the man smirked as if he had cracked some great joke.
      Karthik opened his mouth to say something, but a voice interrupted him from behind.
      "Excuse me." Said the journalist from behind. He walked past Karthik and Lilly, showed his ID card to the guard and walked into the hall.
      "Come on, Lilly. We are going inside." Karthik muttered, angrily, balling his fist.
      "She can't go in." The guard said.
      "Let her in!" A voice said.
      Karthik looked ahead of him and saw Mr. Ford walking in his direction. His daughter and a new guy were following him.
      "Let her in. She is my guest. " Mr. Ford said.
      "But, sir—" the guard said.
      Mr. Ford raised his hand. "I told you she is my guest. "
      "Okay, sir." The guard nodded.
      "Come on, Karthik. " Mr. Ford motioned Karthik and Lilly to follow him.
      "What were you doing outside?" Karthik asked, following him.
      "Waiting for you and your friend. " Mr Ford smiled at Lilly.
      "How did you—"
      "I called him!" Said a new voice from behind. Karthik and Lilly turned and saw Piper hurrying toward them. She was wearing an emerald dress. Her blond hair was tied up in a bun. She wore no makeup as if trying not to attract attention, but it was useless; She looked damn pretty.
      She threw the green envelope at the guard. "Piper Watson. " She said. But the guard did not even bother to check her name as if he knew who she was.
      Lilly and Karthik both stared at each other.
      "Hi, Mr. Ford," Piper said panting.
      Karthik seized her arm and steered her away. "What are you doing here? " He whispered, his teeth clenched in frustration.
      "Helping ... " she snapped.
      "No, you're not! This is dangerous."
      Piper pulled her hand from Karthik's grasp. "Stop acting like my dad!" This time, she clenched her teeth.
      Karthik didn't know how to react to it. He twitched his lips and finally said, "You know. This is the reason we never dated again."
      "Good afternoon, Mr Ford! " Piper cried, cheerfully, ignoring Karthik.
      "Good Afternoon, Pipes," Mr Ford called back. "You guys are about in time."
      "What do you mean?" Piper said, walking toward Lilly. Karthik sullenly walked behind her.
      "Dad is going to give a speech in a few minutes," Sara said.
      Mr. Ford nodded. "Hurry up, " he started to the entrance gate. Everyone followed him.
      As they walked, Karthik noticed that there was one more new person with them, other than Lilly. A handsome guy, walking beside Sara.
      "Who are you? " he asked,

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