Border of the sun

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Book: Border of the sun by Aditya Mewati Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aditya Mewati
fretfully. He was not in good a mood.
      "Oh, He is Alex Muffin. My boyfriend. " Sara answered for him.
      "She means her 'NEW' boyfriend. " Piper commented, and snickered.
      Everyone laughed but Sara.

      Shaikh Ali Hula Osman, Brand Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, finished his speech and was greeted with a thunderous applause from the audience.
      He waved his hands, thanking the audience, collected his papers from the podium, and slowly climbed off the stage.
      A woman wearing a black glistening dress, came on the stage, clapping her hands, and brandishing her pearl white teeth.
      She stood in front of the podium and said. "That was really a beautiful speech ... now," She gave an involuntary sigh. Her voice echoed around the hall. "I would like to invite our next guest, who is also one of the organizers of this Summit. The CEO and the owner of PharmaGen, Mr. Daniel Harrison Ford."
      Karthik enthusiastically clapped. "I'm wondering whether he has prepared a speech? " he asked Sara.
      They all were sitting around the circular table, very close to the main stage. There were six chairs around the table, of which the chair between Sara and Karthik was now vacant as Mr. Ford had already left to give the speech.
      "Yes, he has been practicing the speech in front of the mirror, " Sara said, drinking the wine from the glass goblet. 
      "Look... He is coming on the stage," Piper said, clapping her hands.
      Mr. Ford walked across the stage, waving his free hand at the audience. He was holding  few papers in his other hand. He stood in front of the podium, shuffled the papers, and cleared his voice.
      "Thank you, Stacy, for that warm introduction," He said, gesturing at the woman in the glittering black dress. His voice boomed from the speakers around the oval hall.
      "I've ..." he paused as if considering something, and said, "been eagerly waiting for this event ... " He went silent, brooding. He shook his head, collected his papers, and started walking away from the podium.
      "What's wrong?" Piper muttered. Everyone started murmuring, their voices echoed in the hall.
      Stacy, who was hosting the event, stopped Mr. Ford on the stage and whispered something in his ears. He whispered something back to her. She nodded and started toward the podium.
      She grabbed the mic and said, "I am really sorry. Mr. Ford is not feeling good enough to give the speech. Now let's invite our next guest ... who is also one of the organizers of this summit. The owner of Tesla Chemicals, Mr. LUKE TESLA!"
      Mr. Ford slid next to Karthik, muttering to himself, shaking his head.
      "Are you okay, sir?" Karthik asked him.
      Mr. Ford smiled. "Everything is fine, Karthik," he replied.
      But Karthik knew better; it was a clear lie. Something was surely wrong. Or why would have Mr. Ford refused to give his speech, which he has been preparing for weeks.
      Something is definitely bothering him, Karthik thought.
      The man at the podium was one of the most famous venture capitalists in Australia, a legend in Biological investment. Luke Tesla was known for his striking good looks and his trademark, heartwarming smile. He was a young-looking fifty-four and sedulously cultivated his reputation as a capitalist with a duty. That designation had carried him through a succession of ruthless business deals.
      But in this room, Karthik knew, Luke's reputation for tough deal-making would be foremost in everyone's mind. He knew that Luke Tesla was a first class son of a bitch.
      "We've reached the point where we can almost call ourselves gods. Those ailing-people need us and they know it. They need healthy genes, they need technology. We're their hope. We're where the real future began!"
      That drew huge applause. Mr. Ford shifted his bulk in his seat. The audience was applauding, even though they knew that this bastard would blow their company to pieces in a second if it suited him.
      "Of course, we face obstacles to

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