Pass Guard at Ypres

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Book: Pass Guard at Ypres by Ronald; Gurner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald; Gurner
smile upon the rather pale curly-haired subaltern on his left and the raw-boned Devonian in front of him. “Make the best of it, as I do—that’s what you’ll have to do. Devil of a long time yet we’ll be there.”
    â€œYou think so? Is that the feeling here?”
    â€œThat’s what they all say, all those that know. I was up at 2nd Army yesterday, and met a fellow there who’s in the know, one of the high-up Johnnies, don’t you know. He was telling me all about it. They don’t worry, any of ’em. Just a matter of time it is, that’s all. But it’s bound to take some time.”
    â€œWearing ’em out—you know our game. Killing each other off, you know, and see who can keep it up for the longest. That’s our game.”
    â€œIs it?”
    â€œYes. Bound to be. Pays us, because we’re bound to win. Fellow I saw at Cassel, he worked it out. Got it here somewhere I believe—yes, here it is.”
    Lieutenant Kaye produced from the pocket of his immaculate and well-cut tunic a folded paper covered on both sides with scribbled figures.
    â€œYes, this is it. We were working it out after dinner. This is how he reckons it. Say the Germans have 3,000,000 effectives and we can put 6,000,000 into the field altogether, and the casualties on each side on all fronts are roughly 100,000 a month—70 per cent. of those wounded, allow 30 per cent. of those return—let’s see, how did he work it out?”
    Freddy Mann and Robbie glanced at each other and remained silent while the prophecies of the unknown priest of Delphi were disentangled and expounded. Lieutenant Kaye thought a moment, scribbled a few additional figures hastily and then looked up with a cheery smile.
    â€œThat’s it, that’s got it. Allow a million and a half to keep the front, let each side drop 1,200,000 a year, of which 800,000 return, put on 300,000 each year for those going up, take off 100,000 for general wastage and that’s—no, it isn’t—anyway, I remember he worked it out to something between four years and five. Didn’t think much would happen before then.”
    â€œAnd what happens then?”
    â€œGerman front collapses and in we go. Perfectly simple; it can’t go wrong. It’s just a matter of time, and not gettinghurried, that’s all it is. He explained it all to me—clever chap—fellow on the Staff, you know. They get all this worked out there. Nothing left to chance at G.H.Q.” He nodded solemnly, ordered another cognac and looked inquiringly at the others.
    â€œYou hadn’t looked at it quite like that before?”
    â€œWell.” The Cherub looked half amused and half perplexed. Robbie solemnly shook his head, and filled his pipe.
    â€œAh well, glad I told you. Cheer you up; it’s bound to, to know how it’s working out. But that’s why I say, you’ll have a good deal more of Wipers.”
    â€œWhat about you?”
    â€œDon’t worry me. Nice fat job, this job, car o’ me own whenever I want it, decent pay, spot o’ leave this summer—all the same to me. Let the war go on for all I care and the more of it the better. Haven’t got any job to go back to—just hanging about at home. Same with this fellow I was telling you about—it doesn’t worry him. Six hundred thousand he reckoned our total casualties this year—bound to take some time. Not keeping you chaps, am I?”
    â€œNo. We’re just out for the day, no special programme.”
    â€œHow are you getting round?”
    â€œLorry jumping. Came up by Proven, and we’re going back through Pop.”
    â€œPop. I thought of running in there meself. Got a little bit in 5 Bis, you know,” with a knowing grin. “Tell you what. Come and have a spot of lunch with me, andwe’ll flip down to Pop this evening and dine and see the

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