More Than a Feeling (Curves for the Rock Star 3 - A BBW Rockstar Erotic Romance)
Chapter One
    It's not like I hadn't been
warned enough times.
    Years as a freelance
photographer on a music magazine had brought me into contact with
some of the biggest characters – and egos – that humanity had to
offer. Some were sexy, some were idiots, all were intriguing. In
most cases, there was always a sense of danger about those types of
people – and those were just the ones without rampant drug and
alcohol problems. But no matter who it was, a knowing glance from a
more experienced colleague usually always meant the same thing.
    Don't date a rock star.
    I was beginning to find out why.
This was not, to all intents and purposes, like real life. In a
whirlwind six months, I had fallen in love, seen the world multiple
times over, been to the Grammys (and got involved in a huge fight
at that very show), been photographed on the red carpet and been
drugged by a nefarious manager. Now, I sat nervously in Julia and
Michael's living room as we awaited the phone call from the men who
had kidnapped Rick's son.
    Honestly, you couldn't make this
shit up if you tried.
    "How are you feeling?" Rick sat
beside me and gently ran a hand across the small of my back.
    "Shellshocked," I replied,
keeping my voice close to a whisper. "I can't believe this is
happening. Never mind me, how are Michael and Julia?"
    Rick sighed. "Strange as it may
sound, I think it's probably best to leave them alone for the time
being. This is going to be one hell of a day."
    "And you? Luke's your son, of
course. You must be in pieces right now." I squeezed his hand.
    "I'm okay," Rick replied, his
voice breaking slightly. I didn't completely believe him. "We'll
get him back. This is almost certainly about money and I've got
plenty of that."
    Martin Farrell, the inspector
who had been placed in charge of finding Luke, walked over to us
and crouched down. "I don't want to alarm the others, but I think
it's important we know what we're dealing with here. It's almost
certainly going to affect you in the sense that they are going to
demand a ransom."
    "I know," Rick sighed. "We were
just talking about it."
    "Well, we don't know exactly how
this is going to pan out yet but I will warn you that it's not our
policy to negotiate with kidnappers. We'll talk to them, sure. But
if they think they're going to get any money, they're sadly
    Rick shook his head. "The money
isn't a problem."
    "You don't know how much it is
yet," Martin smiled. "Besides, we have ways and means of handing
over fake cash if it comes to that. But it's a big if. The
intention should always be to resolve this peacefully and find Luke
safe and well."
    "And the kidnappers?" I
    "Oh, don't worry, Miss. Those
sons of bitches won't get away with this. Dealing with something
like a kidnapping is never fun. But I don't tolerate involving a
child. No way."
    Rick took a deep breath and
looked to the ceiling. "What else is being done, officer?"
    "Well, it's only been just over
forty minutes since the first call. We have a trace put on your
line courtesy of your cellphone company. In addition to that, we
have teams looking at any CCTV footage in and around this property
from just before, during and after the abduction. It's almost
certain we'll find something, but we just have to wait. Time is of
the essence right now. Our people are working as quickly as they
can to find any clues as to what happened. The second they know
something, we'll know too."
    I leaned forward. "You said time
was of the essence? Why is that?"
    "Well, again, I don't want to
alarm anybody. But the reality is we have to find Luke sooner
rather than later. The longer this goes on, the more time whoever
took him has to get further away. Right now they can't be too far.
They're almost certainly travelling by road, which gives us a
fairly tight radius to work with. Air traffic control is on high
alert, just in case somebody wealthy has a helicopter at their
disposal. But I really don't think that's what we're

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