The Questing Heart

Free The Questing Heart by Elizabeth Ashton

Book: The Questing Heart by Elizabeth Ashton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Ashton
all the pride of possession.
    Could it really have been Chris whom she had seen in that superb white suit? It seemed improbable, for though she suspected now that he was considerably better off financially than he admitted, he could not be in that class unless ... horrible thought ... the redhead was supporting him, a not uncommon feature of Riviera life. But her mind revolted from such a suggestion, Chris would never stoop to being any woman's lap-dog, on the other hand if it had been he, and she was sure her eyes had not deceived her; he was obviously deeply involved with the glamorous beauty, in spite of his gibes at predatory women.
    Clare sighed, for he would certainly never waste an amorous thought upon a brown sparrow when he could command such loveliness. His interest in her appearance had caused her to form half-hopes that once they were alone together their association might ripen into something warmer than that of employer and employee, though she had no clear idea of what she intended to do if it did. Chris as a lover would be overwhelming, and she had never had a lover. With unerring feminine instinct she was aiming for the best within reach, but now the redhead had shown her that he was far out of reach and she had been indulging in wishful thinking. Chris had no personal feeling for her at all; he wanted an efficient secretary who also looked smart —to do them both credit, as he had put it—no more no less. When it came to making love he chose women like his redhead.
    She turned her thoughts to the immediate fyture, the mountain retreat to which they were going on the morrow. In the rush of the day's events there had been no time for details; she supposed it would be some small hotel, boarding house or even a private residence. That her position was a little unconventional did not trouble her. Business men often travelled with their secretaries, and Chris needed her for his work, and presumably she would be accommodated in the same house, since she was to have her keep —board but not bed, he had said with his habitual mocking grin. She had had no opportunity to press for details, and she began to wish he had been more explicit and she had been less rash. She had wanted to see more of life and gain experience of it, and life with Chris promised to be something of an adventure, though she was dimly aware that she might suffer if her heart strayed too far in his direction, but that again was something she had not yet experienced, and would assist her writing. Her only anxiety was her family, whatever happened she must ensure they received her aid.
    That Chris now knew about her commitment was a mixed blessing. He had said he would guarantee she could continue to fulfil it, but it also gave him a hold over her if he chose to act the tyrant.
    She went to bed and slept soundly—too soundly, because she overslept and had to rush through her breakfast and packing to be ready at the time Chris had named, but her misgivings had dissipated during the night. The sun was shining, and her very presentable employer was about to drive her into Italy, a delightful prospect, while as for the redhead, Chris was fleeing from her because she was too distracting. So perhaps there were some advantages in being merely a brown sparrow.

    C LARE had some difficulty in packing her new acquisitions, they would not all go into her two cases and she had to supplement her luggage with a large cardboard box. It looked the reverse of elegant and she wished that she had had the foresight to purchase a holdall or some such during the previous afternoon.
    Chris arrived as the porter was carrying her possessions to the front door and he hastened to assist him to put them in the boot. He came back uttering a brief good-morning to her, as she went to the desk for her bill and passport. He pounced on the former, saying shortly: 'This is my liability, as arranged.' Watching him as he settled with the clerk, Clare tried to

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