
Free Darlings by Ashley Swisher

Book: Darlings by Ashley Swisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Swisher
the blond hair -”
    Pete smiled. “Yah Jesse. Good kid. I knew I
had to follow you when you two went out, onto the lake. I knew it
wouldn’t hold. Actually, I was amazed you got to the middle when
the ice gave way, and you fell in. I went in after you…and back
again for Jesse.” 
    Gwen didn’t know what to say. He had saved
her life. He was her mystery hero. “The doctors could never figure
out how we had managed to get from the middle of the lake to the
shore after falling in. It makes sense now. 
    “Did my mom know?” Gwen asked
    “Yes, she knew. She couldn’t risk exposing
all of this though Gwen. If a human ever found a way into the
portal there’s no way of knowing what would happened to this world.
What would enter it. It takes a lot of practice, and there are
rules to portals” 
    “Like the pirates?” Gwen asked. 
    “Yeah, for starters. There are many other
creatures who reside in our word that could wreak havoc here.” Pete
looked so passionate. 
    “I’m starting to remember these stories my
mom used to tell me before bed. They sound a lot like the creatures
I’ve learned about from Everland so far.” 
    “Oh yes, her bedtime stories. They’re true.
It was always Janie’s way of revealing her secret without outright
telling you. She wanted you to live a normal life. Away from all
the dangers and responsibilities of Everland as long as you could.”
Pete looked a little uneasy. “I know it seems unfair Gwen. I’ve
always wanted to tell you but the risk was too great.” 
    Just then, another SUV pulled in behind them.
Arthur got out first and walked around to open the back door. Jonah
and Mike jumped out. Tears were streaming down little Mikey’s face.
Forgetting about Pete Gwen jumped out of the SUV, running to her
    “Gwenny, what’s going on? I was so
     Gwen scooped the chubby little boy up
in her arms hugging him tightly. “Oh Mike it’s ok buddy.
Everything’s going to be fine. You’re with me now,” she comforted
stroking his messy hair. 
    Jonah gave Arthur a death stare. “Monster
here grabbed us from the school parking lot, saying dad sent him to
pick us up because you were busy.” 
    Arthur shrugged “Stranger Danger 101 little
buddy.” He said crunching into the apple he brought with him.
     What the hell’s going on Gwen?” Jonah’s
eyes darted from Pete to Arthur. “Are we kidnapped?” 
    Gwen looked over her shoulder as if noticing
Pete and Arthur for the first time, “Oh.. no, we are not
kidnapped.” Gwen said. 
    “Then what’s up? Let’s go home Gwen,” Jonah
said nervously. 
    Gwen nodded her head. “You’re right Jonah, we
should get going home.” 
    “You can’t go home Gwen. Not now. They’ll
find you there. They can sense immortals. Kind of like Andrew can
sense them.” Pete explained.  
    Jonah looked confused and ready for a fight.
“Who in the hell are we talkin’ about Gwen? Who’s after
    “Come on kid. I’ll tell yah all about it.”
Koli said putting his arm around Jonah who just looked blankly at
Gwen, his bright blue eyes narrowed from beneath his black
    “I want to go too! I’m hungry,” little
Michael shouted squirming out of Gwen’s arms. 
    “It’s ok Jonah. You can trust them.” Jonah
grudgingly walked alongside Koli and Mike tagging behind. 
    “It all starts with us, the real heroes of
this story-” Koli trailed off as they disappeared into the
    As soon as Gwen made sure her brothers were
out of ear shot, she turned to Pete. “If it’s not safe for us to go
home, how are my parents safe?” 
    Pete looked worried. “Your mom is mortal now.
They shouldn’t be able to sniff her out. Besides, they left for the
time being. It will take a while for the portal to re-energize and
for them to regroup.” 
    “How long’s a while?” Gwen prodded. She
wanted an exact answer.
    “A couple days or so. No way to be sure. I
will have

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