Twilight's Eternal Embrace

Free Twilight's Eternal Embrace by Karen Michelle Nutt

Book: Twilight's Eternal Embrace by Karen Michelle Nutt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt
miracle, " she murmured. Her body would have taken days to heal such a gash. Within minutes , his blood closed the wound and left her flesh smooth to the touch.
    Bram believed Oiche Sith ' s blood could heal the chosen. She couldn ' t help but wonder if maybe he was onto something profound.
    The blood had healing properties. Maybe it was what kept them young also. The Lathe Sith did not drink blood and they weathered as the years went on.
    She wrinkled her nose at the mere thought of drinking blood. Even if it were possible, would it really help? Would her kind grow strong and thrive as the Oiche Sith did? She didn ' t have the answers, but maybe they could experiment. " Surely Bram is right. Blood was the answer. "
    In memory of her sister, she would volunteer. If they were wrong, and if her drinking blood caused harm , no other would suffer. All she would have to do wa s convince Bram to use her for such a project.
    Her gaze shifted to the open window where the light filtered in warming her room. She prayed for the day to be over as s he was anxious to tell Bram of her plan. Then s he stifled a yawn behind her palm. Working all day and staying up all night would soon wear her down. She must think of a way to rest without giving up her time with Bram.
    She dressed with haste , knowing she was late to help prepare the morning meal , and then hurried into the kitchen. Her mother and father were already breaking fast. She sat down and reached for the warm bread and tore off a piece.
    " You slept in late. " Her mother broke the silence. " Are you not well? "
    She chewed the bread and swallowed before she answered. " I am fine. "
    " You should sit where I am sitting. " Her mother ' s gaze linger ed over her features with doubt . " You have dark rings below your eyes as if you have not slept. "
    She cleared her throat. " I am well, mother. I cannot help the way I look. "
    H er father paused in his eating to stare at her. Worry shadowed his features as he took in her appearance. " Truly, do not worry for me. " She pushed back her chair, the legs scraping the wood floor. " I am off to secure our evening meal. I will not be long. The hares are a plenty in the meadow and I should not have trouble bringing one or two home. "
    She grabbed her bow and arrows and headed outside before there was another onslaught of questions. The day hit her face, making her tired eyes squint in protest.
    With sure strides, she made her way toward the hunting ground. She supposed Bram slept now , while the sun arced high in the sky. She knew nothing of where he lived in Dungannon. Was his dwelling one of the wood structures within the gates or was it one of the dwellings near the loch? He never told her. In truth, she never asked.
    Reaching the meadow, she stretched out on her stomach and waited for one of the family hares to reveal themselves. As the minutes dragged on without a sight of a single animal, her eyes grew heavy. She couldn ' t avoid what her body craved and it needed sleep more than meat for the evening meal.

Chapter Eighteen
    Bram found Sheerin in his workshop stationed at the top of the turret stairs. The Oiche Sith never fell ill like the Lathe Sith, but they still suffered from ailments such as head and body aches and an occasional lack of energy if they had not fed. In those cases , they came to Sheerin for a remedy.
    His cousin was not the most liked male of the clan with his odd hobby of making most of his concoctions for the Lathe Sith. He helped to keep the daywalkers healthy. Bram supposed his clan should thank Sheerin for his services , rather than ridicule him. If the Lathe Sith succumbed to an illness, they would not have their pick of servants and chosen brides. Bram was surprised at the bitterness he now felt for the way they lived. Acceptance of their way of life proved a sin he could no longer indulge in without guilt . He wanted more. He wanted a way to be with Adryanna. If he continued his life the way he ' d been taught,

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