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Book: Strangers by Iris Deorre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Deorre
Tags: Romance, Erotic Fiction, Interracial
would say no to such loveliness. I crouched down nervously and our eyes met. We both felt the heat, the unspoken lust that came from our bodies.
    ‘Press it and see.’ He breathed heavily his voice low.
    He waited and I pressed it a little harder than I should have and the button jammed again.
    ‘Ah, that’s a little too hard, all it needs is a gentle push.’ He pulled out the button again and pushed it to demonstrate.
    He stopped the machine again then without any words took my index finger and used it to push ever so lightly on the machine. I wasn’t listening anymore, I noticed the light go on and the machine kick into life again but I wasn’t listening or interested in that. All I felt was his hand against mine, I felt my heart beat hard against my chest. I swallowed back hard and before I knew it the strangers lips were on mine and mine were on his. We took each other in as if we knew each other. It was odd and yet my body wouldn’t pull away or let go but instead my hands crawled down his torso, lifted the shirt and pulled it off him.
    We stopped for a moment as I gazed at the tightest body I’d ever laid eyes on. He was so glorious I could scream. He smiled but didn’t say a word. Was this his thing? Seducing single vulnerable women every opportunity he got? Well then I didn’t give two hoots, the man was divine, I would deal with everything else later.
    His strong hands ventured down my dress and he lifted it off me, the rest of my clothes were off me in a flash. We kissed in the process as if we needed air from each other. My clit clenched so many times I had an orgasm before he’d even ventured between my legs. I was hot for this man, the man I only knew as Mark the engineer. He could’ve been anyone but here I was stripping for him, panting for him, running my hands through his short black hair. I wanted him so much!
    He stood to his feet and helped me to mine, I stood stark naked in front of him. I watched as he undid the belt to the jeans and pulled them off. My eyes spotted the enormous hard on and I felt my body heat up again. He pulled down the boxers and stood naked in all his glory. He took my hand and placed it on his rock solid cock and I almost fainted. I squeezed it hard, wanting that thing to enter me as soon as possible. He put his hands to my face and pushed back my untamed hair then planted his warm lips on mine.
    ‘Oh god!’ I breathed as my hand stayed on his cock.
    I moved up and down it the best I knew how but my body weakened by the second as his hands began to explore my body. At first he dropped them to my shoulders, then moved to my breasts. The big manly hands captured my small breasts into them. He pulled on the hard nipples and I felt my middle let go again. Such hands, such beauty against me was so overwhelming, not forgetting it had been two years since a man had touched me! His lips moved from my mouth to the hard nipples. One at a time he took them into his mouth and sucked hard. With my free hand I ran my fingers through his hair, it was soft and silky and all I wanted to do was cry out.
    Mark the engineer dropped to his knees and began to plant kisses on my stomach. I was in heaven; I threw back my head and took in the tenderness as I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world. I kept both hands on his head as he licked up and down my belly, teasing my belly button with his tongue.
    ‘Who knew?’ He kissed further down me, ‘I would be tasting you right now?’
    ‘Oh god, yes, who the fuck knew?’
    He laughed at my statement then said, ‘Open up wide.’
    I opened my legs and let him view me from below. Oh my goodness who was I right then? I’d totally lost myself to this guy, to this god who was unashamed of his lust. He licked his thumb and ran it over my flaps. Shit! The pressure was just right; he rotated it on the tip gently and then moved up and down my pussy lips with ease. My toes curled, I grasped onto his head with all the strength I had and closed

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