Taming Her Heart

Free Taming Her Heart by Marisa Chenery

Book: Taming Her Heart by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
Tags: Wolves of East Anglia
sound of the material ripping as his claws shredded it.
    He bit back a howl of pleasure at the feel of Maggie dragging the flat of her tongue up the length of his shaft from balls to tip. She then took him in a firm grasp and sucked the head of his cock into the hot, moist confines of her mouth. A long moan pushed out of him as Maggie took more of him until he almost touched the back of her throat. What she couldn’t manage, she stroked with her hand while she sucked on the rest of his length.
    Dolf thrust his hips up, enjoying the tight suction as he moved in and out. His cock grew harder. He didn’t know how much of this he could take without blowing his load, which he didn’t want to do yet. He wanted to be inside Maggie’s pussy so deep that when he did, they wouldn’t be able to tell where one began and the other ended.
    “Enough, Maggie,” he said in a strained voice. “I can’t wait any longer.”
    She released his cock and shifted so her pussy hovered over his erection. “I’m more than ready for you.” As if to prove her words, she rubbed herself along his length, coating him with her juices.
    Maggie canted her hips just the right way, and the head of his shaft slipped between the lips of her sex. She pushed down on him and slowly impaled herself on his hardness. They both moaned once he was balls deep inside her core. It felt like heaven, having her wet walls close around his cock, clutching tight. Then she lifted up on her knees until he was almost free of her body and thrust back down, and he wished he could stay like this inside her forever.
    Up and down she rode him. Even though he wanted Maggie to have all the control, Dolf placed his hands on her hips, holding her carefully, thrusting up to meet each of her strokes. The sound of her moans pushed his release ever closer.
    “Harder,” he growled. “Faster. Come for me.”
    Her breath came in pants. Maggie leaned forward and placed her hands on his chest as she increased their pace. “Yes, yes. Just a little more…” Her words trailed off into a whimpered cry, and her pussy rhythmically milked his shaft.
    Dolf stroked into her harder as his cock swelled, his balls rising close to his body. Just before he came, his shaft locked deep inside Maggie’s pussy. Unable to move, he groaned, his dick pulsing as he filled her with his cum.
    Maggie collapsed on top of him. The sound of their harsh breathing filled the room. Dolf wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, as his cock pulsed again. A full minute went by before he realized she’d fallen asleep. He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. With his mate held in his arms, feeling as if his world had finally righted itself, he drifted off.
    * * *
    Maggie had no idea how long she’d slept. All she did know when she opened her eyes was that Dolf’s room was no longer dark. Lying on her stomach, she reached over, thinking she’d encounter Dolf’s large, warm body stretched out next to her. Her fingers came up empty, which had her turning her head to look. Sure enough, his side of the bed was unoccupied. Figuring he’d come back eventually, she closed her eyes again, deciding she didn’t want to get out of bed just yet.
    She really hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep during the night. A smile stretched her lips when she thought of the reason why. Amazingly, having sex with Dolf had done away with any fear of him that had remained. Being held by him made her feel protected—cared for. He was by no means a selfish lover. If not for Cydney duping her, Maggie would’ve missed out on something special.
    As if she’d known Maggie thought of her, there was a knock on the door before her best friend called, “Maggie, are you awake?”
    “No, I’m not, Cydney. Go away.”
    And of course, Cydney being Cydney, she let herself into the room, then closed them inside. “You answered, so that’s a lie.” She crossed over to the bed before she climbed on the mattress to sit on top of the

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