100 Women Volume One
    It was a gorgeous early
spring day when I walked into the lackluster offices of what's
often referred to as an "alternative newspaper" and presented my
classified ad to the middle-aged woman sitting behind the cheap,
simulated wood desk. With the disinterest of one who's seen it all,
she perused my offering, which read as follows:
    Do You Like to
    It's even better when it's
a man's educated touch you're feeling down there. Women 18-50,
participate in a research study on improving techniques of female
masturbation. Your anonymity and satisfaction guaranteed. Call to
hear audio recording with more info.
    The telephone number was
affixed to the bottom of the ad.
    The woman behind the cheap
desk raised not an eyebrow as she finished reading the page in her
hand. Considering the type of publication she worked for, that
probably shouldn't have come as any surprise. Within the context of
the tabloid's usual advertisements from those looking to spank and
be spanked, my little classified was hardly out of
    The woman counted the
words ran a quick calculation on a tiny calculator, quoted a price
to which I nodded, and handed me a one-page sheet to fill
    I completed the sheet and
paid the fee for publication of the ad to occur over a specified
period of time.
    The woman deposited my ad
copy on a stack of similar documents resting in tray on her desk.
The project was underway.
    Actually, for
me , the project
began on a much earlier day. The roots can probably be traced back
to my first encounters with lesbian philosophy. You know the
philosophy I mean.
    It goes something like
    No one knows better how to
please a woman than another woman.
    As a man, I find that kind
of thinking frustrating. It suggests that, no matter how
considerate or determined a lover I am, I can never hope to be the
equivalent of even the most uninspired lesbian when it comes to
getting a woman off.
    Be that as it may, the
premise of the philosophy isn't difficult to understand. It's all
about knowledge .
A woman knows things about her vagina that no man can ever truly
hope to know. Even Casanova would have to fall a distant second to
any woman on the subject of what feels good between her
    Knowing how to properly
masturbate your lover, I believe, is an important part of the human
sexual experience, and, frankly, I think masturbation doesn't fully
get the attention it deserves in most discussions of non-solo sex.
It's typically considered just a part of foreplay—a set up for the
main event. While I can't and won't dispute that masturbation is no
substitute for intercourse in the typical heterosexual
relationship, it's no slouch, either. There's still something
delightfully thrilling about playing with another person's
genitals. To bounce them in your hand. To have them slip between
your fingers. To tap and prod and pull and stroke and manipulate
them like some cuddly, stuffed animal. It's the ultimate toy—the
most personal plaything another can give you.
    Navigating a woman's
genitalia, with its various nooks, crannies and elusive G-spot, is
a complex matter. There's such an abundance of ways to touch and
stimulate the vagina, not all of which are experienced with equal
pleasure by every woman. For all I know, perhaps homosexual and
bi-sexual women are really just as unsure as straight guys when it
comes to masturbating another female. I suppose it's also possible
that, because of the almost infinite number of playtime
possibilities available in her crotch, even a woman, herself,
doesn't know all the different ways she might be pleasured. If
that's the case, then we're all in need of a good lesson on how to
beat a girl off.
    The idea fermented for
years, never going past the planning process, until I reached a
stage of my life where I had sufficient time for the masturbation
study. I thought it through quite seriously, pondering various
challenges and pitfalls involved in convincing

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