
Free Divider-in-Chief by Kate Obenshain

Book: Divider-in-Chief by Kate Obenshain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Obenshain
Praise for Divider-in-Chief
    â€œKate Obenshain’s new book  Divider-in-Chief  is an outstanding exposé of the hypocrisy, cynicism, and extremism of the Obama administration. He claimed to be a uniter, but Kate’s book identifies where and how he has been the ultimate divider of Americans. If Obama is shown the door after the 2012 election, Kate’s book will be one of the reasons why—everyone needs to read this before November!”
    â€” Sean Hannity
    â€œKate Obenshain has written one of the best takedowns of Obama I’ve read. If you have friends still bedazzled by the fraudulent rhetoric of hope and change, give them this book, and wipe that smile right off their face. Divider-in-Chief reveals the radical presidency of Barack Obama for exactly what it is—the most divisive, polarizing, and balkanizing in American history.” 
    â€” David Limbaugh , nationally syndicated columnist
and New York Times bestselling author, most recently of
The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama’s War on the Republic
    â€œKate Obenshain has written a penetrating and astute book about the Obama political method. Highly recommended.”
    â€” Peter Schweizer , New York Times bestselling author of
Throw Them All Out
    â€œHere is the book to have handy as Obama pursues his re-election strategy of dividing Americans along lines of race, religion, sex, and economic class. As Obenshain notes, ‘Whether Obama wins or loses, the country he promised to unite, the nation he pledged to heal, will be far more deeply divided than on the day he took office in 2009.’”
    â€” David Freddoso , editorial page editor of
the Washington Examiner and New York Times
bestselling author of The Case against Barack Obama
    â€œKate Obenshain’s new book,  Divider-in-Chief , is more than a must-read. It’s  required  reading! Kate proves what many Americans have now learned the hard way. So-called ‘hope and change’ was a smokescreen for Barack Obama’s premeditated attack on the very foundations of our Republic. Instead of bringing the nation together, as he promised, we now see President Obama is truly the Divider-in-Chief. If you care about our nation, its future, and what will be left for our children and grandchildren, you need to read this book.”
    â€” Allen West , Florida Congressman
    â€œKate Obenshain’s Divider-in-Chief  is a devastating portrait of America’s most polarizing president. She exposes his advertised politics of civility and unity as an utter sham—a demagogic plot that not only divides Americans from each other but also divides them from the founding principles of the country.”
    â€” George Neumayr , contributing editor,
the American Spectator and co-author with Phyllis Schlafly
of No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom

For Henry, Paul, Stone, and Lucy

    The Divisive President
    T he idea of Barack Obama the uniter is a lie; the notion of Obama the post-partisan president is a farce.
    Obama was supposed to be a new kind of politician—America’s first post-partisan president. But instead he’s been a president who’s astonishingly willing to jump into the trenches—to sling mud at his political enemies, launch attacks on other branches of government, and blacklist news organizations that criticize him.
    Obama has sown division within and between religious groups; pitted women against one another; ignored laws he dislikes; cynically exploited class, race, faith, and even his own family for transparently political purposes; and shut down debate over important and controversial issues, in particular the government takeover of one-sixth of the economy through Obamacare.
    This book is about broken promises and shattered hopes. And I decided to write it because, though Obama has abandoned unity and post-partisanship, millions of Americans

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