The Empress' Rapture

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Book: The Empress' Rapture by Trinity Blacio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trinity Blacio
really am. I want him to be as proud of me as he is of Lily. I have mates that I can’t even get to know because Dad will expect me to be at his beck and call,” Sierra said, looking down at her drink. She was tired, and it was late. All she wanted to do was relax, dance a couple of dances, and then sleep.
    “I tell you what…why don’t you and your mates spend an hour here. Dance a few dances, talk, get to know each other. Then you can come home. I promise tonight there will be no questions. We just want you home safe. Maybe tomorrow you can work with me for an hour. We can figure out what you know and how you have Witch powers, okay?” She smiled.
    “I’d like that,” said Sierra. “I don’t think I could face Father tonight. Are you going to stay?”
    “No, I’m going to go back and let them know what’s going on,” Queen Loretta replied. “I’ll leave Chandler and Lucan here. I have a feeling your friend Jean might be more than a friend. Sometime soon…if my hunch is right.” Loretta looked over at the table where Jean laughed at something Chandler had said.
    Sierra smiled. “She’s a good friend, and, if your hunch is right, Chandler is a very lucky man. Good night, Grandmother, and thank you.” After giving her a hug, Sierra watched her walk out of the bar.
    Roman slowly turned her to face him. “I’ll only say this once. If you ever take off again without protection, I’ll beat your ass until it’s black and blue, chain you to your bed, and never let you out of my sight again. Now come dance with me, little one. It’s been a long night, and I need to hold you for a while. Garth needs some time with you too.” Roman pulled her onto the dance floor.
    His alpha voice sent her nether region quivering with need. A slow song began to play in the background. As others danced to the music they moved out of the way as Roman pulled her onto the dance floor. The room was darkened with only candles and torches to give the room atmosphere.
    “I’m tired, Roman, so tired. Just hold me. I feel like I’m going to fall apart if one more person yells at me tonight,” she mumbled and kissed his chest.
    He smelled like the forest, fresh and clean. A black leather vest masked his upper frame with no shirt underneath. His chest, covered with silky black hair, exuded warmth. Her tongue found his nipple, flicked, and sucked on it like a baby. His hold grew tighter, and his hands cupped her ass.
    “I need you bad, baby. I want to put my mouth on your juicy wet folds and just eat until I get my fill. I can smell your juices…like butter, so sweet. I’ll take that little nub of yours, stroke it with my tongue, suck and nibble while I screw your hot hole with my fingers or maybe a toy.” His voice, thick with heat, sent tremors down her spine. His long tongue licked the side of her neck and his teeth nibbled driving her body heat up even higher.
    “If you’re really good, I’ll put my hand up that sweet pussy and fuck you until you beg me for my cock,” Roman whispered into her ear. He lowered his head and sank his teeth into her neck. He held her still and marked her again.
    “Roman!” She groaned as his dirty words heated her blood. She rubbed her hot core against his leg, needing him inside her. Sierra closed her eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply as cool air spread across her skin. Her eyes snapped open gazing around the alley they now occupied. Roman pinned her against the brick wall and lifted her short leather mini skirt up to her waist. She couldn’t concentrate with his lips trailing down her neck. Her breasts ached to be pulled out of her black corset halter. His mouth and tongue traced one through the garment.
    “You’re not wearing underwear, little one. You’re very bad, and I’m going to have to punish you for that. Spread those legs,” Roman snarled, vibrating her clit, sending a small tremor through her. His feet pushed her legs and his hand smacked onto her mound. She jumped,

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