The Empress' Rapture

Free The Empress' Rapture by Trinity Blacio

Book: The Empress' Rapture by Trinity Blacio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trinity Blacio
and headed for the door.

Chapter Ten
    Sierra strolled into the bar, her gaze sweeping it for her friend. Jean, a dark-skinned beauty, waved to her from a table in the back by the dance floor. Slowly, she made her way through the crowd and sat down across from her.
    “So, any fresh meat out there?” Sierra laughed.
    “A couple of hunks over there at the bar, but they’re with someone,” Jean yelled over the music and nodded towards the bar. Sierra cast a casual glance that way and about died on the spot. Both her mates and her great-grandmother stared back at her.
    “Oh, God, give me a break! How the hell did they find me?” She put her head into her hands and shook her head.
    “You know them? Wow, care to introduce me or are they taken?”
    “I’m sorry, Jean. It looks like my night out with you won’t be a long one. That’s my grandmother, and how do I say this…both of the men think that they’re my boyfriends.” She moaned, and watched them make their way towards her.
    “You mean you have two hunks for boyfriends and you didn’t even tell me? Oh, I am so pissed, girlfriend, but I’ll forgive you if you introduce me to any of their friends that look like they do,” Jean said and swung her braids behind one shoulder.
    Sierra’s mates and her grandmother reached their table.
    “Jean, this is my great-grandmother, Loretta.” Sierra waved her hand at Loretta to sit, but she chose to remain standing. “The two men next to her are Roman with the black hair, and Garth is the blond. Grandmother, Roman, Garth…this is Jean, a good friend of mine,” Sierra said not even bothering to look up at her mates when a drink was placed in front of her. “Thank you. You might join us since you’re not going to leave without me, and I’m not ready to go back, if I go back,” Sierra said and took a drink of the beer.
    Loretta looked at Sierra’s friend. “I don’t mean to be rude, but Jean, would you mind if I talk to my granddaughter alone? Come, Sierra. We can sit at the table over there.”
    Sierra looked up to see Chandler and Lucan entering the bar.
    “Oh, Jean my friends Chandler and Lucan are here too. They can keep you company while we talk to my granddaughter,” Loretta turned and walked to the nearby empty table.
    Lucan and Chandler pulled out chairs and sat next Jean. Jean waved her hand at Sierra, telling her to leave. Sierra smiled at her friend who couldn’t take her gaze off of Chandler. Roman pulled out Sierra’s chair and helped her up. Sierra noticed flashes of red that sparkled in Roman’s eyes. He didn’t smile, but gently guided her to join her grandmother at the other table. Her mates each took a seat next to her.
    “Sierra, you know you have to come back home. All females are under attack. You must be protected. You have so much to learn and so many people who love you. I’m afraid you’re going to have to get used to Roman and Garth’s help.” She reached over and placed her hand on hers squeezing it.
    “When you’re mated they’ll be able to hinder some of your powers. Mind you, this will only happen if your life is put in danger. I’m sorry, but you have to get used to this. Your inexperience could cause a problem. We want to be able to teach you how to use them without any incidents. Believe me, when I was being taught there was many times your great-grandfather took the powers away from me or I would have destroyed half of your house.” The Queen looked off into the distance, tears glittered in her eyes. She shook her head and looked back at her. “They will be rough, yet loving. Trust them.” she sighed and sat back in the seat.
    “I know my family loves me, Grandmother. That isn’t the problem. I’m not a tool my father can poke at every time I learn something new,” she whispered, slumping down in the chair, feeling like the weight of the world had been placed on her shoulders. “I won’t be that tool anymore. I just wanted him to see me for who I

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