Honey and Decadence

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Book: Honey and Decadence by Wendi Zwaduk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Zwaduk
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
do I say this…particular. He’s not one of those bizarre, reclusive millionaires. Trust me, neither one of us is rolling in cash, but meeting women isn’t his strong point. He mentioned seeing you outside of work at the Push Club.”
    “He did?” She’d only been to Push twice and neither time had got her off. The guys wanted more than she preferred to give in her BDSM play. Comfort zones weren’t enforced well—at least not on the two nights she’d attended. Had she seen Sean? Only one guy had even acted human and decent. She remembered she’d met him during the masquerade night. He’d worn a mask partially covering his face, leather pants and no shirt. When they’d danced, he’d held her close and murmured things about wanting to cover her in honey and lick every inch of her body. Sean barely spoke to her at work, but maybe he loosened up when he went to the club. She shivered. She remembered seeing him play with one of the subs. He’d embodied raw power and control.
    “I wasn’t there, so don’t ask me.” Elias’ voice ripped her from her thoughts. “Roxy, I want you to do this. I’ll prep the food, you just lie there. I’m kicking in a grand in tips, so you won’t get stiffed.”
    “A grand?”
    “Well, it does require nudity and the whole night devoted to Sean. We’re normally closed on Sundays, so it’s only fair.”
    What could she say? A night alone with Sean and a thousand dollars… One of her wildest dreams come true. A vision of Sean came to mind from the last time she’d seen him at the restaurant. His jeans hugged his muscular legs and accented the bulge between his thighs. The cotton dress shirt highlighted the green in his eyes and oozed power. His scent curled around her and she closed her eyes. The guy smelt like sex and heaven mixed with aftershave. Would he shave or leave a little scruff on his cheeks? She pressed her knees together. Thinking about Sean licking honey, or whatever it was Elias planned, off her body sent a frisson of heat through her veins. Her pussy clenched and she gripped the armrests of the chair. God, she hoped she didn’t make a fool of herself. Playing the role of presentation girl had never turned her on, but having Sean involved changed everything.
    Roxy met Elias’ gaze. “What time do you need me to be here?”
    * * * *
    Sean sat at his desk in his home office and stared at the invitation. Damn Elias. He hadn’t wanted to celebrate his birthday. People turned thirty-six all the time and no one made a big deal. Then again, Elias knew how much he wanted to keep his birthday quiet.
    “A private party,” Sean read out loud. “Probably a stripper or something equally stupid.” A headache grew behind his eyes. He’d been dicked over by enough women in his lifetime to know a one-nighter with a stripper wasn’t going to cut it, but he wasn’t sure he wanted a full-time lover either. Hell, the nights he played at Push didn’t get his rocks off. Except the one night he’d danced with the vixen in the red feathered mask.
    He grinned and closed his eyes. Roxy had thought she could hide behind the red velvet. Not a chance. He’d know that body anywhere. The red satin bustier she’d worn had highlighted two of her best assets—her breasts. His mouth watered. The fishnet stockings had accentuated her statuesque legs. He longed to feel her clenched around him as he drove his cock into her pussy.
    Even as a memory, he knew the feel of her slender body under his hands. That night she’d ground her ass into his groin enough times for him to memorise her curves. He longed to lash her to his St Andrew’s cross and drizzle chocolate on her chest. Would she squeal? Moan? Call him a freak because he liked food play mixed with sex? She’d clutched him tighter when he’d mentioned the honey play. He could only hope and fantasise.
    Then again, he’d actually have to act on his desire for her. He’d instituted the rules against staff dating. Still, he

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