Honey and Decadence

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Book: Honey and Decadence by Wendi Zwaduk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Zwaduk
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
visualised her astride his lap with whipped cream decorating her body. The dark chocolate would complement her pale skin. His cock stiffened behind his zipper. He could almost feel her riding him, her moist heat enveloping him. Sean palmed his cock and groaned. He wanted the real woman, wanted to touch her and taste her.
    In his mind, she smiled and clutched her sticky chest. She bit her bottom lip and her hair slid over her shoulders in tangles. Her deep brown eyes glittered as she slipped into subspace.
    Sean gasped for breath, unzipped, then shoved his pants to the floor. He then wrapped his fingers around his cock and stroked. He could see her bouncing on his lap and taste the cream on her skin. She leant forward, taking his mouth in a kiss. The tastes of chocolate, cream and raw desire exploded on his tongue. Her nipples rubbed his chest and kicked his desire up another notch. Fuck, he wished he had her in person, not a daydream. His balls ached and he stroked harder. The flutters low in his belly switched to full electric shocks along his limbs. Jesus.
    “I’m coming,” she panted. “Sean.”
    Fuck yeah. Sean gripped his dick with one hand and massaged his sac with the other. He tilted his head back, opened his eyes and embraced the orgasm. Hot ribbons of cum splattered on his thighs. Good thing he’d been sitting down. He panted and glanced around the room. At least no one was around to hear him this time. He shouldn’t fantasise about a woman he hardly knew, but damn, she got him off every time.
    The shrill ring of his phone ended the post hand job euphoria. “Shit.” Sean pulled the T-shirt up over his shoulders, then mopped up the cum on his hands and legs. He tossed the soiled clothing onto the floor then stood. He knew the ringtone.
    Elias .
    He could wait. Sean hiked his boxers and pants up over his hips, then answered the call. “Malkin.”
    “Hi to you, too,” Elias replied from his end. “I take it you got the invitation.”
    “I did.” Sean sank back onto his chair. He picked up the cream-coloured piece of paper and tapped it on the desk top. “Care to give me a few more details? Like where to go and what time?”
    “That’s why I called. I’d like you to come by the Delight tomorrow night. Eight p.m. sharp. If you’re late, then I’m starting without you.”
    “You do that anyway,” Sean snapped.
    “But I won’t be alone.” Elias didn’t say anything for a heartbeat, as if he wanted his words to sink in with Sean. “It’s a private dinner with all the fixin’s you like and I’ll let you in on a secret. Your server for the night is Roxy.”
    Sean sat tall in his chair. Roxy? His server? Hot damn. “I’ll be there.”
    “Thought you might. Dress casual. It’s not some stuffy dinner like we normally have at Delight. I’m aiming to clog your arteries with all the good stuff. When you get here, go to the private rooms on the second floor.” Before Sean could say anything else, Elias hung up.
    Sean stared at his cell phone. A night with Roxy. He wasn’t keen on breaking the rules, but for Roxy he would. Maybe turning thirty-six wouldn’t be a shitter after all.

Chapter Two
    Roxy stared at her reflection in the mirror and secured her hair in a bun on the top of her head. The look accentuated her already lanky body. She crinkled her nose. Three hours before when she’d gone through the cleaning regimen for the dinner, she’d felt more confident. This was just another job, nothing else.
    Except Sean was involved.
    She squared her shoulders then headed out of the bathroom on the second floor of Delight Tonight. Elias and Sean barely used the second floor unless they were catering a wedding or private party. Even then, they never used the room marked ‘Office’ as the office. Elias kept the books and computer downstairs off the kitchen.
    “Elias?” She knocked on the door to the quaint room. “Are you ready for me?”
    “Come on in,” came his reply from behind the

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