Crystal and the Damned - Possession

Free Crystal and the Damned - Possession by Burggraf Audrey

Book: Crystal and the Damned - Possession by Burggraf Audrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Burggraf Audrey
see, you bastard ? Then watch this !”
    Violently, she struck the floor with her foot. The walls shook. With a skeptical raised eyebrow the Prince looked around him.
    “So ?”
    As her only response, the young woman shot him a taunting smile.
    A flash of lightning. All of a sudden, the windowpanes shattered. For an impossible moment, the pieces remained suspended in the void. Interested, Dimitri raised his nose into the air. The splinters of glass, razor sharp, fell on him in a flurry. He extended his hand, and before even reaching it the bits of glass fell to the ground like a rain of diamonds.
    “Impressive,” the Dark Prince commented, lightly touching his teeth with the tip of his tongue. “By all means, don’t stop on my account, treasure, you’re exciting me,” he groaned in a deep voice, almost simulating the panting of passion.
    Nervously, she threw a gush of energy that he turned aside without apparent difficulty. Dimitri was walking straight at her. She wanted to pull back, but without understanding how, her enemy found his way behind her. Against her.
    Without a word, he closed his hands on her shoulders. A firm touch, dominating, irrevocable. But he did not hurt her. Crystal’s entire body was electrified, from her toes to the tips of her breasts.
    His face buried in her hair, the Prince breathed her in.
    “Don’t move. One gesture and I’ll kill you. You smell like a baby. Flowers and milk. You know that you turn me on ? Since I heard you masturbating in that bathroom, it’s your angel face that I see when I come.”
    Her heart pounding so hard she thought it might burst, she closed her eyes. She did not dare pull away, but she wanted…. God, if she had been able to, she would have chopped this sick bastard in half. It was repulsive.
    “Let go of me,” she said coldly.
    “Really, kitten ? And here I thought we were getting to know one another.”
    Incapable of holding back any longer, she pulled away from his embrace and turned to face him. A flash of ferocity and hatred danced in the pupils of her eyes.
    “Touch me one more time, and I swear you will never touch anyone again.”
    “Don’t be stupid ; the only hope you have of surviving is if you belong to me !” he growled. “So let yourself go – if not….”
    He did not finish his sentence ; the young woman slapped him.
    Dimitri stared at her without reacting. The silence descended again. They stayed facing each other for a moment, confronting one another with their stares.
    Then Crystal lowered her eyes. She murmured the spell for dematerializing and vanished in a screen of white smoke, rematerializing in her bedroom.
    She ran to the bathroom and frenetically splashed cool water over her face. She stood up again, her hands on the basin, head lowered, the water dripping, her makeup leaving black traces on her cheeks.
    She looked at herself in the mirror. Tainted. She was tainted. Nausea took over. Without worrying about delicacy she knelt in front of the toilet and raised the lid, breaking two fingernails in the process. Her stomach contracted. She vomited up bile convulsively.
    When she had finished relieving herself she drew back vaguely and collapsed further so that she was sitting on the tile floor, her forehead leaning on the basin.
    A sound made her turn her head. Falada had just knocked softly on the open bathroom door.
    In the dim light they stared at each other. She had barely spoken to him in months. They had never again openly talked about that dreadful scene in the corridor when Falada had rejected her. She had learned to pretend that she did not love him, and the Paladin had pretended that he did not care. But somewhere, deep within him, she had a place in his heart. Seeing her pathetic state, he did not think for a second, but hurried to help her up.
    They remained standing, close, hand in hand. Crystal’s eye glistened with sadness. She seemed so young….
    “Come here,” murmured Falada. “Just come

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