Brocade Series 02 - Giselle

Free Brocade Series 02 - Giselle by Jackie Ivie

Book: Brocade Series 02 - Giselle by Jackie Ivie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ivie
married woman, and had no right thinking of another man.
    “You’re doing splendidly, Giselle,” Esmee replied. “The staff has noticed, too. The castle feels differently, already.”
    She wouldn‘t be as effusive if she knew how frightened Giselle was of approaching the duc . None of them would.
    “Would you excuse me please, Esmee? I believe I’ll rest in my rooms until luncheon.”
    Giselle had to ask a servant to direct her and felt like an ignorant fool. How could she have said she’d get Etienne to move? And into her chambers? She was mad to consider it.
    Giselle lay in the bed, trying to rest . All she could think of was her dread of Etienne.
    “He cannot move, Giselle,” she told herself aloud, hoping to banish the fright. “If he’s horrid to me, I can run. He cannot.”
    Isabelle had undressed Giselle from the deep purple morning gown she’d worn, so she could rest. She couldn’t rest at all. A dressing gown lay across the bed, and she put her arms into it before tying it haphazardly about her waist. She would speak to Etienne right away, before luncheon. It wouldn’t get less frightening if she delayed. It would only get worse.
    Giselle stopped at the connecting door and watched her hand shake at the lock. She couldn’t do it. He’d throw another book at her! He’d sneer at her again. He’d frighten and scare her.
    She sighed , turned around, and went back to the monstrosity of bed.

    There were twelve for dinner. Esmee took Giselle around the drawing room, introducing her to the castle’s tenants. There was only one she remembered by sight because he was named Francois, like her brother. She spent most of the time conversing with Etienne’ s aunt, the dowager duchesse, Mimi.
    That, and attempting to ignore Navarre.
    “ I can’t wait to see your portrait in the gallery, Giselle,” the dowager duchesse said. “The Berchald line has always possessed beauty, but you’re even more so. Then again, the Antillions are known for being comely. I was so proud when my husband, the late duc, arranged your marriage to Etienne, especially with your dowry.”
    Giselle murmured something inconsequential, but it didn’t matter. Their aunt didn’t seem to need encouragement.
    “Etienne has angered me greatly during these past years. Why, when he had his coming-out, they came from far and wide just to see him. You can’t imagine a more handsome physical specimen than my nephew.”
    Oh yes, I can, Giselle thought and looked over at Navarre.
    He’d attended sup, dressed as if to draw everyone’s attention. He wore a burgundy-colored jacket that made the color of his eyes stand out. And he had a small amethyst stone at the throat of his jabot. He’d completed his ensemble with black silk breeches over white hose. He was more than handsome, she decided. He was a delight on the senses. Giselle couldn’t have kept her eyes from him if she tried.
    The priest had already counseled her on her duties, which were owed to her husband. Giselle was to light three candles to Saint Mary to absolve herself from further lustful thoughts. Giselle frowned.
    It appeared she’d gone to confession too soon.
    As if she spoke aloud, Navarre looked at her over the rim of his wine glass. His eyes were dark purplish blue, and he narrowed them slightly as he watched her.
    “Then there’s Jean-Claude ,” the dowager duchesse continued at Giselle’s side. “Such a waste. Almost the moment my dear brother-in-law was buried, Madame Berchald took him to Versailles, and it has ruined him! They’ve turned him into the same kind of noblemen as themselves. Always the parties with them. Always the drink, the games of chance, and the trysts! Sometimes, it goes on for days, I am told! He is just like the others who are ruining France. Ah! For the old days.”
    Navarre sipped his wine and held Giselle’s gaze easily.
    Why couldn’t it have been Navarre?
    “The Lord didn’t bless me with any children, Giselle, and I

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