The Light of Oriah : Burning Jungle - Part One
she screamed. “You have to run Oriah!”
    I saw the
fear in my mothers eyes and felt panic rise up within me. My mother
was never scared, never even nervous. I knew in that moment that
this was serious. Unable to stop myself I grabbed hold of her arm,
my fingernails scraping desperately at her exposed skin, though I
knew it wouldn't leave a mark.
    “No, I can't,
I won't leave you!”
    “Darling you
have to go, I will follow, I promise , but I have to go back
for your father,” she insisted, prising me off her body and shoving
me roughly backwards towards the thick jungle, her eyes apologetic
and filled with terror.
    “I can help – I can fight!” I pleaded, trying to sound
stronger than I felt.
    “NO!” she
shouted, taking me by surprise. “Just go Oriah, please!” she
begged. She shook her head with finality, already backing away from
me. Her body was coiled ready to move, but she hesitated as she
waited for me to act. “Run Oriah, NOW!”
    I stood for
half a second as I hesitated, not wanting to leave her, unsure of
the situation she was heading into. But then, unable to defy her
wishes I nodded firmly, my eyes meeting hers one final time. And I
    The trees and
plants were a display of bright colours as I moved past them with
lightning speed, with no idea where I should go, where I was
running to, only that it was better than what I was running from. I
ran so far I could almost see the edge of the rainforest, farther
than I had ever been before. This frightened me. I didn't know if I
should carry on or wait here for my parents to catch up. Should I hide somewhere? And then in my
hesitation I heard my mother scream. It sent shivers down my spine
and nearly threw me to the ground, I had never heard anything so
horrific in all my life. I swung around storming back the way I had
come, faster and faster still.
    As I got
closer, the entwined stench of smoke, blood, and burning filled my
nostrils, bringing up a cocktail of emotions within me; revulsion,
fear... hunger.
    “Don't let me
be too late, please don't let me be too late,” I repeated over and
over under my breath, the mantra creating a steady rhythm to
accompany my feather-light footfall. At last I burst into the
clearing that I called home, my eyes searching, my ears listening
for any available clue. Skidding to a halt, I fell to my knees as I
realised what I was seeing before me. Our home was shattered,
crushed to the ground, orange flames licking through the pile of
wood and memories. The clearing was deserted, nothing remained, but
a pile of smoking ashes beside my fathers drained corpse.

    The air was
warm and sultry, my face upturned towards the blinding sun, a smile
on my lips, as I breathed in deep. Barefoot, I stepped forward into
the cool water, sighing with relief as it rushed over my hot skin.
It felt deliciously refreshing. Nearby an olive baboon screeched
loudly, startling the birds from the trees as he flew through the
air landing gracefully on an outstretched branch. The rainforest
was vibrant, alive, and just as I did every day, I stared in awe at
the paradise I was lucky enough to call home.
    Granted, I
had nothing to compare it to, I had never even come close to
leaving the safety of the jungle, but I was content, satisfied that
life couldn’t possibly get better than this. I watched the sunlight
hitting the still water and felt an urge to touch it, as if I could
soak up the reflected warmth. Reaching down with my fingertips I
traced the patterns, watching the surface break, sending ripples
through my reflection.
suddenly playful, I gave a whoop of joy as I splashed into the
deeper water, up to my waist, twirling and dancing, my arms
outstretched above my head like a prima ballerina. I waded over to
the cascading falls, my dress sodden and heavy with water, yet not
slowing me down one bit. Standing at the foot of the waterfall I
concentrated, focusing my gaze intently, my eyes beginning to

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