My Zombie Honeymoon: Love in the Age of Zombies Book One

Free My Zombie Honeymoon: Love in the Age of Zombies Book One by James K. Evans

Book: My Zombie Honeymoon: Love in the Age of Zombies Book One by James K. Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: James K. Evans
electricity, no heat, and probably no water. We could have been good friends or more. But she chose to be a bitch. So let her suffer the consequences of her choice.
    I’ve turned off the radio. I don’t want to talk to her.
    November 9 th              
    Happy Halloween nine days late. I look like I’m wearing a mask. Much of my face is various shades of blue and a gross looking yellow from the bruises. But at least the swelling’s gone down.
    I’m not so mad any more. If anything, I’m pretty sad. Michelle’s the only person I know who survived. I truly enjoy her company, and it’s not just because she’s so attractive and has a great rack. She’s smart and funny. Intelligence combined with humor (and a great rack) is such a turn on. I don’t want her to suffer and I don’t want her to go anywhere.
    I turned the radio back on a few minutes ago. Maybe I’ll even try to reach her later. Meanwhile, some of my lettuce is ready for a partial harvest, along with some cherry tomatoes. The beer has conditioned enough to start drinking. I’m going to have a nice salad and a beer for dinner, then try to get some exercise and maybe watch a movie. After the problem with Michelle, I wasn’t in the mood to watch any relationship movies or even any porn—instead I watched the Godfather . Maybe when she thanked me for bringing the radios over, I should have said Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. I can think of many ways she could service me.
    Now that I’ve simmered down, I feel restless. I wish I could go for a bike ride. But it’s not safe. Maybe I’ll go through the porn and see if I can find something halfway decent. Or decently indecent.
    I heard another explosion a bit ago. I’m not sure where it came from, the sound down here makes it hard to tell. Maybe I should go upstairs and check around.
    Even later--
    When I went upstairs, it was already dark. From the east windows I could see a glow on the horizon. It wasn’t super bright, so I really have no idea what it was or how big a fire it was. After all this time, it was strange to see something besides the moon and stars in the sky. I could very faintly see one or two zombies facing the light, slowly making their way in that direction, whether because of the light or the earlier sound of the explosion, who knows?
    November 11 th
    What a day. Early this afternoon I heard Michelle on the radio. “Kevin are you there? Please answer. Hello? Kevin?”
    I stood there for a minute, debating. Did I want to answer? Maybe get back into the same cycle, where I start having feelings for someone, with possible hopes for something more, only to have her stomp on my heart with a hobnailed boot? Would it be better to turn off the radio and mind my own business? Or should I just get over it and move on, still being friends?
    I’ll admit it, hope surged in my heart. She wanted to talk! She didn’t sound mad!
    In the end, I caved. Or came to my senses, depending on how you look at it—or how things turn out. I picked up the radio and hit the transmit button, relieved to hear my voice was back to normal.
    “Hey,” I said, “what’s up? Everything okay?”
    “If it’s okay I’m coming over. Be there in ten minutes. If that’s okay,” she said.
    “Don’t be a fool! It’s not safe!” I warned her.
    “Most of them are gone,” she said, “go see for yourself. Meanwhile, is it okay if I come over? You never answered me.”
    “Sure, I’ll be at the door in ten minutes,” I replied. My heart was beating fast, and any lingering resentment evaporated. Feeling hope was kind of refreshing—it’s been a while since I had hope, especially when it involves women.
    I quickly went into the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. In my haste I forgot to grab a lantern, so I couldn’t see much. The only light was from the grow room LEDs so my face looked purple, and not just from the

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