The Chromosome Game

Free The Chromosome Game by Christopher Hodder-Williams

Book: The Chromosome Game by Christopher Hodder-Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Hodder-Williams
intervene.’ He flipped the switch for the Transport Control Centre. ‘Is Foxtrot-November with you?’
    ‘Foxtrot-November speaking, sir.’
    ‘How are we fixed for Trans-spacials at the present time?’
    ‘Don’t see why we shouldn’t mobilise a squadron. Where for?’
    ‘We’ll pass you the coordinates as soon as we have the printout but it’s only a medium-haul problem … probably 87 light-years. Can do?’
    ‘Surely. Any special equipment?’
    ‘We’ll need the usual re-perceptionals … “Flying Saucer” stuff.’
    ‘They’re to look like UFOs? Earth-style?’
    ‘Almost certainly. The species that concern us are about the same but I’ll phone through confirmation. Main equipment needed is Nuclear Dampout together with Peace-Ambience Software. Get onto Supplies and have everything on standby.’
    ‘Foxtrot-November, Roger.’
    The Interrogod snapped back the switch. ‘We’ll have to delay the Enquiry for the time being. Don’t want to be wise after this event if there’s any way of avoiding it.’
    The Videotape Engineer said, ‘What do you want done about the tapes we’ve been running for the Earth Holocaust?’
    ‘That’s a misnomer by now. Let’s call it Re-Genesis.’
    ‘Okay, sir. Re-Genesis. What action am I to take?’
    ‘Run the tapes through and edit them. Keep the environmental shots integrated with the stuff on Deck ZD-One, Kasiga . That should tell us something.’
    ‘How tight do you want the cutting?’
    ‘Tight as possible. We know what the Deck looks like. If you get any gen on the rest of the ship I’d like the detail.’
    ‘But that part of the ship is merely a tomb, sir.’
    ‘Just keep an eye on it. The stuff I want in detail is the actual development traits of the individual incubants — especially the ones who look like taking a leadership role.’
    ‘What do I look for?’
    ‘In particular? — Any evidence you get from the difference of opinion between the inventor of the entire process — that’s Dollenburg — with the man who implemented the Kasiga Program along with Ricardo.’
    ‘That’d be who? — Huckman?’
    ‘Right.’ The Interrogod opened a file. ‘Use this correspondence to help you with continuity. There are some peculiarities. One is that Huckman substituted his own semen in place of the semen donated.’
    The Attorney-General Andromeda looked up sharply. ‘He did that? Why?’
    ‘Conceit, that’s why. Oh, and Dollenburg’s letter written in Scarsdale, New York … That could be important. I also understand that in the stampede to get off Kasiga in time someone — probably Huckman — left the originals of these letters aboard the ship.’
    The Interrogod chucked him a look. ‘Or unconscious deliberation. The man was emotionally unstable … I’ll have to break off, we’re getting the Ready-Light from the Computer Room.’ He turned to the Engineer. ‘Here’s the file. Take a look at Dollenburg’s letter and anything else that could help with the editing. Inform me when the processed tapes are ready to roll. Okay?’
    29, Sunbaker Avenue,
    N.Y. 10583,
    July 17
    Ref Folio B.919
    Mr K. N. Ricardo
    Washington D.C.
    Dear Mr Ricardo:
    Were the matter over which I have been unconstitutionally arrested a formal one concerning the Security of the State I would not now be moved to write you this letter. I have never been known to intrude where it has been made plain that my opinions are neither needed nor desired.
    However, intimidation, both by the CIA and the FBI, coupled with the constant surveillance of my every movement, leads me to realise that you are not secure in your own beliefs concerning Futureworld or indeed those beliefs expressed by Professor A.J. Huckman. Incidentally, a university associate I have privately consulted tells me that you yourself are in the course of undergoing psychiatric treatment. He assures me that if there is anything he

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