The Military Mistress

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Book: The Military Mistress by Melody Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Prince
“Yeah, but it wasn't much help,” He replies.
                  “What'd she say?”
                  “My face.”
                  “Are you fucking kidding me? What a slut!” I shake my head.
                  “Says you!” He jokes, but there's a slight pang in my chest from his words because I know what he means.
                  “At least I admit when I'm being slutty, that is just gross no wonder Amy doesn't want you talking to her,” I suddenly now have reason to really not like this girl, and I can't wait to just be back home with Jake in my bed.
                  We go to a book store, and get her one of the books she finally told him she would want, but I couldn't get over her initial response, and there's so many things I want to say to this bitch, but then I have to remember that I'm not much better. She's up front and saying these things to him when he didn't initiate anything, but I acted on them with a married man. Whoops.
                  We drive to McKayla's house, and as we pull up we stay in my car when he texts her that we are here, she comes outside and I see her walk to my car. I automatically take my hairband from around my wrist and start twirling it in my hand. My normal nervous habit is to pick at the skin around my fingernails, but that can hurt so I do something else that doesn't hurt me. She says a quit “hi” to me, and then doesn't acknowledge my presence for the rest of the ten minutes we are there. She invites us inside, but when Jake looks at me, as to ask for permission I shake my head. At one point she looks away because some people were calling to her from her driveway. I sign to him that I don't like her and I want to go. He doesn't understand any sign language, but those signs are pretty obvious to what I'm saying, and I think my facial expressions that express disgust made my message pretty clear. Once she turns back to us Jake tells her we have to go and I breath a sigh of relief, and finally place my hairband back on my wrist once we are driving away.
                  “I don't like her at all,” I say sternly, folding my arms across my chest.
                  “I can tell,” He replies humorously.
                  “I'm serious, she's a slutty little bitch,” I won't look at him, and I mean the words I say.
                  “Damn Maia she isn't that bad.”
                  “Oh really? 'your face'?” I say mocking what she said earlier.
                  “She isn't always like that, she just has a crush on me.”
                  “Exactly, which just feeds into your already huge ego,” I roll my eyes, even though I know he can't see it in the dark.
                  “If we got back together you wouldn't be okay with me having any girl friends then?” He asks.
                  “There's a difference between you having girl friends, and having slutty girls beg for your dick,”I say sternly.
                  “So would you?”
                  “If I knew them, and I knew they would never try anything with you, then obviously I wouldn't care, but her? No way.”
                  “Do you think you could ever trust me?” I'm silent after he asks me that. I'm not sure what to say.
                  “I don't know, Julia told me to be careful because 'if he will do it with you he will do it to you'” I quote the famous saying, and I know it stands true.
                  “I thought the same thing,” He says quietly.
                  “My situation is different though I'm not even sure if Bryan and I are still together, but yes I will admit being your mistress is not my proudest moment, but I love you, and I always will.”
                  “I prefer saying you're my side bitch,” He jokes, and I see

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