The Military Mistress

Free The Military Mistress by Melody Prince

Book: The Military Mistress by Melody Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Prince
and nuzzling my head into his chest again.
                  “Neither was saying there's nothing special about me,” He replies, raising his eyebrow at me.
                  “You are conceded enough, you really don't need me feeding your ego anymore,” I say against his chest.
                  “I am not conceded!” He pulls away from me, so I can see another fake surprised look he's giving me.
                  “Yeah, okay, I'll believe that...never,” I say, rolling my eyes.
                  “Okay, I can be, but that's not important,” He kisses the top of my head.
                  “So what do you want to do today?” I ask, but honestly I don't want to leave this position we are in right now.
                  “Well later, I have to get a birthday present for my friend McKayla, and swing by her party, will you come with me?” He asks, and I smirk at the sound of McKayla's name. I have only heard limited things about her, but I already don't like her. I can be a pretty jealous person, and I try to blame it on that even though I know I have no right to be jealous.
                  “I guess I will, but I won't be happy about it,” I won't look at him.
                  “What's wrong?” He moves to look at me.
                  “Nothing,” I shrug, and continue to refuse to look at him.
                  “She isn't that bad,” He tries to hold me closer to comfort him, and no matter how much I love feeling close to him I don't like that he's comforting me on this subject.
                  “I didn't say she was, I've never met her,” I shrug.
                  “I've known you long enough to know how you're feeling,” He chuckles.
                  “I already said I'll go what else do you want from me?” I ask, finally looking at him again
                  “I want you to want to make me happy,” He smiles at me with his perfect smile that makes me light headed.
                  “I think I've made you very happy, and you now just want to torture me,” He say dramatically.
                  He squeezes me, and it makes me squeal. He almost starts tickling me again, but I beg him to stop, and he does. He begins kissing me and running his hand up and down my body feeling every inch of me. He runs his hand up my arm above my head until his hand meets mine, and intertwines his fingers with mine, and pulls away from our kiss.
                  “So you'll go?” He asks against my lips.
                  “I already said I would, I just won't be happy about it,” I reply, and peck him on the lips before he rolls over, and his holding me against his chest.
                  “Will you ever stop being a brat?” He asks jokingly.
                  I pretend to think about it for a second, “No probably not.”
                  He holds me close, and begins kissing my neck and refusing to let go, and I don't want him to.
    Chapter 10
    The rest of the day is spent in bed watching movies, and just relaxing, enjoying being with each other. By the time about 6 o' clock comes around he says we should go find McKayla a present at the mall. I begrudgingly get ready, and purposely take longer which makes Jake laugh and get slightly annoyed with me. We get to the mall, and I follow him inside, not sure where exactly he wants to go.
                  “What are you going to get her?” I ask, rolling my eyes.
                  “Not sure, she likes books,” He says like he just now realized he wasn't sure what he wanted to get.
                  “Did you ask what she wanted?” I ask.

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