Alfie Bloom and the Secrets of Hexbridge Castle

Free Alfie Bloom and the Secrets of Hexbridge Castle by Gabrielle Kent

Book: Alfie Bloom and the Secrets of Hexbridge Castle by Gabrielle Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabrielle Kent
though it had just insulted him. “They own Hexbridge Hall, the big manor house outside the village. Edward’s always bragging about living in the biggest house for miles.”
    â€œNot any more,” snorted Madeleine. “Bet he hates you, Alfie!”
    From the way Edward was scowling at him, Alfie was sure she was right.
    â€œAlfie!” called his dad, beckoning frantically from across the room. “Come and meet your new head teachers.”
    Alfie groaned and headed over.
    â€œGood luck,” whispered Holly.
    â€œAlfie, this is Miss Evelyn Murkle and Miss Edwina Snitch.” Alfie could understand why his dad seemed a bundle of nerves as he made the introductions. Although their appearance was very different, each of the women looked as mean and malicious as the other. Miss Murkle was short and round with red cheeks and wild frizzy hair. Miss Snitch was tall, pale and wore her dark hair scraped back into a tight bun. Her nose was sharp, her fingernails were very sharp but Alfie soon realized that the sharpest thing about her was her voice.
    â€œA pleasure to meet you, young man.” Her voice set his teeth on edge like nails scraping down a blackboard.
    â€œA pleasure indeed,” added Miss Murkle with a grimace that clearly stated it wasn’t a pleasure at all. He shuffled back a little to try to put his dad between him and the two intimidating women.
    â€œYour headmistresses have been asking all kinds of questions about the castle,” said his dad. “Why don’t you give them a guided tour? You can ask about your new school.”
    â€œThat will be unnecessary,” the sisters answered at exactly the same time. Alfie thought Miss Snitch looked thoroughly disgusted at the idea of spending time with him. “Now if you would excuse us.” They turned and strode away, each in perfect time with the other. Alfie heard his dad give a huge sigh of relief.
    â€œAhem!” Alfie turned to see Lord and Lady Snoddington and a sulky Edward. Ashford was standing in front of them. Lord Snoddington prodded the butler in the back and snapped, “Go on, man, get on with it!”
    Alfie thought he saw a sudden sharpness in Ashford’s face. It passed as quickly as it had appeared and the butler adopted a charming smile. “Sirs,” he announced, “Lord Tarquin and Lady Lucretia Snoddington would have me make their presence known to you.”
    Alfie gazed wistfully over at his friends and tried to remain polite as Lord and Lady Snoddington rambled on about their heritage and quizzed his dad on the Blooms’ lack of it. They seemed determined to find out how they had inherited the castle. Alfie decided not to mention Orin Hopcraft and got around their questions by telling them that it used to belong to a distant relative.
    Eventually, conversation turned to what Lord Snoddington referred to as gentlemanly pursuits.
    â€œSo, Alfred, have you ever been fox hunting? It’s a fine sport. Young Edward has been riding alongside me since his eighth birthday. How would you like to come on the next hunt?”
    Edward managed to look even sulkier.
    â€œNo thank you, Lord Snoddington.” said Alfie. “Isn’t it illegal? Besides, I like foxes. Me and Mum used to leave food out for one that visited our garden.”
    â€œWhy on earth would you encourage a fox into your garden?” Lady Snoddington’s spindly eyebrows looked as though they were going to disappear into her hair. “They’re vermin! Disease-ridden vermin!”
    â€œI think you’ll find that foxes are very intelligent creatures,” said a woman with sparkling green eyes and vivid red hair. Alfie liked the way she wore it rolled back from her face like an old-fashioned film star.
    â€œ Pffht! I guessed you’d be of that ilk,” exclaimed Lord Snoddington. He feigned a glance at an invisible watch and announced, “Goodness, is that the time? Thank you

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