Cold Love

Free Cold Love by Amieya Prabhaker

Book: Cold Love by Amieya Prabhaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amieya Prabhaker
    The judge brings the court
back to focus, “I note that for future consideration but will rule out a
linkage until you have evidence that the court can look at.”
    “Yes, my lord!” Mr. Banerjee
then turns to face Riya to interrogate her further, “Miss Riya, what rate do
you charge from customers?”
    “Rate?” Riya is absolutely
confused and distraught at the proceedings now. “My lord, I’d like to clarify
that I never went there to buy any drugs, only pretended that to follow Arjun
    Banerjee interrupts her,
“Miss Riya, only answer the question you are asked. It is not relevant why you
went there; everyone knows you went there to buy drugs. When caught at the
scene of a crime, every thief claims that he was not there to steal anything.
But the truth is that the police report says that you were at the scene to buy
    “That’s not true. Mr.
Banerjee you are twisting the words of my statement.”
     “Miss Riya, then did you try
drugs that night?”
    Riya loudly shouts back, “No.
I have never used drugs in my life!”
    “You are lying. No drugs
dealer or customer buys drugs without trying.”
     “That dealer had asked me to
try it but before I could do so, Arjun stopped me… and the police raid took
place immediately after that!”
    “I must compliment you Mr.
Arjun,” Mr. Banerjee continues in a sarcastic tone, “In Bollywood movies, the
police only arrive after everything is over!” There’s laughter in court as
everyone enjoys a carefree moment. Riya nervously looks at Arjun, who is
beginning to get concerned. Mr. Banerjee’s reputation preceded him, but this
was the first time Arjun saw him in action.
    “Miss Riya, since you say
you’ve never used drugs ever, I assume you shouldn’t have any problems getting
a blood test done. My lord, can I request this test for Miss Riya?” Riya
glances helplessly at Arjun, who nods, trying to assure her.
    “Granted”, the judge
responds, “The government official responsible will schedule the test with the
    “Thank you, my lord. This
test will tell us that Miss Riya not only used drugs, but the concentration of
drugs in her blood will also throw an interesting light on this case.  So Miss
Riya, you didn’t answer my original question,” he continues, “what rates do you
charge your customers?”
    Riya is confused at the
question, “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
    Arjun clenches his fist in
fury, jumps from the public gallery, charges down towards Banerjee and punches
him in the face.
    “You asshole! How dare you!”
He struggles as the court ushers grab him immediately but he has hit Banerjee
hard enough to push him to the floor. There’s chaos and confusion in the court
as security personnel hold Arjun back. But he breaks free and is about to punch
Banerjee again when Riya dashes out of the witness box and holds his hand.
    “Arjun! What are you doing?
Are you crazy?”
    Arjun pauses, his face
contorted with rage, as he continues to stare at Riya.
    “Order, order!” the judge is
obviously not impressed, “Mr. Arjun. Please leave the court immediately. You
are in contempt of the court!”
    Arjun is escorted out
immediately by security personnel. Things settle down slowly and the judge is
eager to start the session again soon.
    “Mr. Banerjee, are you OK to
    “Yes, my lord!” he drinks a
glass of water and stands up to walk to Riya. 
    “Miss Riya! Let me rephrase
my question again. I was asking the question like a gentleman but obviously
your boyfriend is not a gentleman.”
    “Arjun is not my boyfriend”
Riya responds immediately.
    “Well, whatever! So I think I
should cut the chase down. Miss Riya, have you been involved in prostitution?”
he then shouts loudly at her, “You went to the slums to get customers and have
been there before as well for drugs and prostitution just like Miss Poonam and
other girls from numerous colleges?”
    Riya is aghast

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