Alone With You

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Book: Alone With You by Aliyah Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aliyah Burke
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
light hit the material. Sexy goddess. Her hair was unconfined and flowed around her shoulders.
    “Wonderful,” she replied. “Shall we?”
    “Yes.” Lord, he needed to manage more than one word responses or the evening would be rough. He shoved the flowers in her direction. “Flowers.”
    A smile graced her face, a real full one this time. “Those are beautiful, thank you.” She walked towards him and took the lilies. “I’ll just put them in water and we can go.”
    He couldn’t talk, he was too busy watching her ass in the dress. When she returned to stand before him, he raked his gaze over her once more.
    She picked up her clutch. “Let’s go.”
    “One thing first.” He finally was able to get the words out.
    “What’s that?”
    He turned her to him and kissed her. Thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. A moan slipped up from her throat and he took that as well. His cock pressed insistently against his slacks and he drew away from her, knowing he had to or they’d not make it to dinner.
    “You’re absolutely gorgeous, Ariel.”

Chapter Six
    Ariel glanced askew at Tuck as they made their way to his truck. His black suit, classically handsome, amplified the width of his broad shoulders and emphasised the leanness of his waist and hips. Damn, he’s fine.
    His hair was sexily disarrayed, giving him the appearance of someone who’d run their fingers through the silken locks—an act she would love to do. And the offer nearly slid free of her mouth.
    He held the passenger door for her and she brushed against him as she stepped up. She’d been in his vehicle maybe twice before. It was totally him—a ball cap on the dash, some ticket stubs on the seat between them. She was glad he hadn’t tried to make it perfectly clean before she got there, it wouldn’t have been him. Not that it was dirty, but it wasn’t spotless.
    “Where are we going?” She buckled her seatbelt.
    “Hanson’s.” He closed his door and started the truck.
    Staring out of the window, she nodded. “I’ve heard they have really good food.”
    “So you’ve never been there?” He got them out of the parking lot and onto the streets of San Antonio.
    “Have you? Wait, why good?” She canted her head to the side so she could see him better.
    Pure sex rolled off the grin he sported. “I was there once, for a business dinner with some clients. And it’s good because then your first time is with me.” He met her gaze head on and the heat in his eyes sent an influx of desire through her. “I happen to like it that way.”
    Lordy, she was ready to melt into a puddle. He was already a first for a few things. Not telling him that, though. “I see,” her response fell.
    The ride to the restaurant was completed in silence aside from some soft classic rock he had on. Pulling up to the front of the restaurant, she smiled at the valet who opened her door for her as she undid her belt.
    “Good evening, ma’am.”
    “Good evening.” She allowed the young man to assist her out.
    Moments later, Tuck strode around the hood of his truck, gave her a smile and offered her his arm. She took it willingly and relaxed along his side. Together, they entered the establishment and went up to the maître d’.
    “Name, sir?”
    “Pierce Carter.”
    She smiled over the use of his full name. It was difficult for her to imagine him as anything but Tuck.
    The man made a mark on his paper and waved over a woman who also wore a tuxedo. The words they exchanged were two low for her to overhear.
    “If you’ll follow me.” The woman gave a smile and led the way.
    “You have a suspicious look on your face,” he whispered in her ear. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
    “I’m not used to hearing you called Pierce. I don’t see you as one. Just interesting is all.”
    “You don’t see me as one?”
    “No. Tuck fits you so much better. Pierce seems, oh, I don’t know, stuffy or something like

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