Alone With You

Free Alone With You by Aliyah Burke

Book: Alone With You by Aliyah Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aliyah Burke
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
though it wasn’t night out, the sky was too dark to offer any visibility.
    Rumbles shook the building and once he’d found the flashlights, he went back to the living room. Steve was standing there with one as well.
    “Should we check on the women?”
    Thank God, Steve had recommended that because he didn’t want to look like a sucker who couldn’t stand being away from Ariel. “Sure.”
    “Yeah, that sounds like you’d not been thinking about it at all. Come on, you lovelorn puppy.”
    They left and crossed the hall to knock. Ariel opened the door and he switched off his flashlight. Her place was well lit, or at least the living area was—two lanterns offered light.
    “Hello,” she said. “Come to check on us?”
    “Sweet. Hi, Steve. Come on in.”
    They entered and she shut the door behind them.
    “Connie, this is Steve. Steve, Connie. And you remember Tuck from a while ago.”
    Connie walked into view from the small kitchen holding a pitcher of margaritas. “Hello. At least the drinks were finished before we lost power. Are you two joining us?”
    He shared a glance with Steve. “Yes.”
    Ariel cocked an eyebrow. “Even if we’re talking about sex?”
    “Still?” he questioned.
    Both women laughed. “Oh, you poor deluded man. We can talk that all day and then some.” Ariel gestured them to join them and he took a chair while Steve took another. The women sat together on the sofa.
    Connie was a cute little thing but it was Ariel who continually captured his attention. She wore a pair of shorts that did intense things to his libido and a white tank top that showed off her darker skin to perfection. Connie had dressed something similar. Both women had their hair up in ponytails and he found himself staring at the muscles in their arms. He knew about Ariel’s strength, but Connie was a bit of a surprise to him. He’d written her off as a petite little thing—now he wondered.
    They ate and drank as the storm raged around them. Thankfully there were no tornados. It was after ten that night when they finally broke it up and headed to their apartment.
    “Thanks, Ariel,” Steve said giving her a hug. “Lovely to meet you, Connie.”
    “And you.” She waved at them and Steve propelled him to the door.
    “Let it go, man. You have your date tomorrow.”
    So he did. And he had a sleepless night and a restless day. When he left his apartment that night for their date, he took a deep breath. In one hand he held a bouquet of flowers and he rapped sharply on the wood with the other. He hadn’t seen her since he’d left her apartment the previous day.
    “Come on in,” she called out.
    He pushed in then closed the door behind him. Her place was spotless, no trace of the drinks they’d had yesterday or the food they’d eaten. The lanterns were nowhere to be seen either.
    “I’ll be right there, Tuck.”
    “No rush. Where’d you get those lanterns you had last night?”
    “Marine Corps.”
    He should have known. He licked his lips and tried to calm his nerves. It shouldn’t be bothering him so much but he felt as he had taking Wendy Mackrel to prom. All nervous and unsure. He wanted to wipe his hands off on his pants so his palms wouldn’t be sweaty.
    Her heels sounded on the floor and he looked towards her bedroom. One second there was just the doorway, the next, Ariel stood there. All the air rushed from his lungs.
    “Holy shit. You’re beautiful.”
    His words brought a small smile to her face, erasing the uncertainty there. “Is this okay?”
    He could barely find the words. “Perfect,” he croaked.
    Her dress was a changing blend of purple and blue. The cowl neckline and halter top offered him a tantalising sneak peek at her full breasts beneath the material. He knew the asymmetrical skirt would be the death of him tonight—it was knee length on one side and floor length on the other. She had on stilettos that criss-crossed up her calves. Small stones added sparkle when the

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