03 Cutler Brides

Free 03 Cutler Brides by Paige Tyler

Book: 03 Cutler Brides by Paige Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Tyler
Tags: Cutler Brothers
    Shayna fully expected Bill Bingham to head toward town when he pulled out of the driveway, but to her surprise, he didn’t leave the mining company’s property at all but turned down a dirt road. Shayna was afraid Bingham would realize they were following him, but Rosie was actually very good at tailing the man, and when he stopped alongside a second car, she made sure to stop far enough back so that he wouldn’t see them.
    For a moment, neither Bill Bingham nor the person he was meeting got out of their respective cars, but then both car doors finally opened. The second man was tall and thin, but rather nondescript in the looks department, and Bingham glanced around furtively as he walked up to him. Shayna had never seen a more guilty look on a person’s face in all her life. He was definitely up to something.
    “I wish we could hear what they were saying,” Rosie muttered.
    Shayna silently agreed. For all they knew, the two men could be talking about where they wanted to go for lunch. But at the way Bill Bingham was gesturing, she didn’t think so.
    Beside her, Rosie took her eyes off the men long enough to dig around in her shoulder bag for something.
    A moment later, she came up with a small pair of binoculars, a notepad, and a pen. She studied the men and their vehicles through the binoculars for a few moments before flipping open the notebook and scribbling down the license plate of the second man’s car.
    “I’ll run his plate number when I get back to the station, then let you know what I find out,” she said, dropping everything back into her bag.
    At that, Shayna saw Riley give her a curious look from the back seat, but neither she nor the blond girl made any comment about it as Rosie turned the car around and headed out to the main road. If Shayna didn’t know better, she’d think Rosie was a cop and not just a girl who worked in the sheriff’s office.
    Back in town, Rosie dropped the girls off at their car, then promised again to let them know what she found out before thanking them for going up to the mining company with her.
    Shayna was just glad they hadn’t gotten themselves into any trouble while they were there because she really didn’t want another spanking like she’d gotten the other night in the barn.
    Playful, erotic spankings were just fine, but those serious bad-girl ones were definitely not her thing. Of course, it helped that they usually resulted in great sex, but she’d just prefer to skip the serious smacks and go right to the fun kind of spanking. In fact, just the thought of getting a sexy, erotic spanking made her want one right then. Maybe she’d ask Madoc to give her one when she and Riley got back to the ranch, she thought with a naughty smile.
    By the time Riley and Shayna got back to the ranch, Madoc and Cade had already finished shoeing the horses and were waiting for them out by the pool. Seeing her husband in a pair of swim trunks was all the invitation Riley needed to hurry upstairs and put on her bikini.
    Apparently, Shayna felt the same about joining Madoc in the pool because she went up to change into her bikini, too.
    But while spending the day with her half-naked husband was more than a little fun, it also made Riley incredibly horny, and by the time they went to bed that night, she was ready to jump him!
    Grabbing her shower gel and body lotion off the dresser, Riley gave Cade a sexy wink.
    “Stay there,” she ordered him in a silky voice. “I’ll be right back. And don’t you dare think of falling asleep!”
    Hurrying down the hallway to the bathroom, Riley took a quick shower, then put on her shorts and tank top. Back out in the hallway, however, she stopped when she heard giggling coming from Shayna and Madoc’s room. Normally that wouldn’t have been enough to make her stop, but it was the distinct and very familiar smacking sound that followed Shayna’s giggle that made Riley come to a halt. It couldn’t be, she thought. But then her eyes

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