EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two

Free EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two by K.J Chapman

Book: EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two by K.J Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.J Chapman
    “And what if you read him and don’t like what you see?” asks Wheeler.
    “There are enough of us to hold our own. We’ve done it before,” I say.
    “And I can sense the emotion as soon as we arrive. Teddie and I won’t let it get out of hand,” says October.
    Cooper snorts, but my glare silences him.
    I won’t let it get out of hand. I shall be meeting Grayson with my walls up, telepathy on high alert, and willing to use my abilities if necessary. No one will take advantage of me ever again if I can help it.

    We sit around a large, glass top table. All of us are grubby, damp from the sea, and exhausted.  Adam sits to my left, holding my knee under the table, and Seth is on my right, tending his swollen jaw with an ice pack.
    Silvain brings out piping hot lasagnes with garlic bread and wine. It smells how love feels, but my stomach cramps at the thought of eating. I spoon lasagne into my mouth and force myself to swallow.
    Talk doesn’t stray from Syndicate. I wish it would; a little respite while we eat and pretend to be anything other than wanted EVO would be nice.
    “I like their ideologies. Perhaps, this Grayson guy has a shot at bringing us together,” says October.
    Dom and Fabian both laugh in unison. The sound grates on me and I know what is coming.
    “Don’t be so naive, October,” says Fabian, still laughing.
    October sits straighter, squaring her shoulders. “Naive? Seriously? After everything that has happened—”
    “Don’t call her naive,” Emiko snaps. “Until we meet with Syndicate none of us can know exactly what they can bring to the table. Is it wrong to hope that we have a fighting chance at a normal life?”
    Jude massages his neck with his hand. “There nothing wrong with hoping, Emi, but it might be a little presumptuous. Syndicate don’t just have Norms to contend with. There are many EVO who share the supremacist views of the E.N.C. Equality isn’t on their agenda either.”
    “But there are more who don’t,” says Emiko. “And there are many Non-EVO who don’t agree with the government. Most EVO have some Non-EVO family members, friends, and neighbours. I bet they’d rally behind Syndicate. Families are losing their children; we can’t allow that. They need protection.” Her voice cracks with emotion, and a lump forms in my own throat.
    Wheeler folds his arms around Emiko and looks to Adam with tired eyes. “Let’s hope Syndicate have balls as big as their mouths.”
    “I thought we agreed to test the water? We get what we need from them, and if they can keep us under the radar, then so be it. The most important thing is to not draw unwanted attention to ourselves,” says Jude, his frustration apparent.
    Silvain rushes into the room and turns on the television. I’ve had enough of television for a lifetime. My face fills the screen; an unflattering, grainy image of me standing face to face with Isaac at the complex. He has his hands on my shoulders, in what looks like an affectionate gesture, but I’m actually about thirty seconds away from using his gun to kill Gabe.
    “British Intelligence has released the identity of this individual as nineteen-year-old Theyda Woodman. She could be using the names Leason, Lloyd, or Lovick.” The reporter’s voice sounds warbled through the blood pulsing in my ears. “Woodman is the biological daughter of Isaac Woodman and is said to be a high grade, extremely dangerous EVO. She was present at the E.N.C headquarters on the night of Friday the twentieth of February, however her current whereabouts is unknown. She was last seen in Italy, but has connections to Great Britain. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of this individual, please call the number on screen.”
    A hush falls over the room, and I drop my fork on my plate with a clatter.
    “What were you saying about unwanted attention?” I ask Jude.
    The bed feels like I’m lying on a cloud and the sheets delicate

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