
Free Beowulf by Frederick Rebsamen

Book: Beowulf by Frederick Rebsamen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frederick Rebsamen
“Have luck with this neck-ring beloved Beowulf
accept these gifts gold-gleaming treasures
and use them well—may you win always
make known your strength and save for these boys
wise counsel-words—I’ll reward you for that.
You have earned such fame that from far and near
in this wide middle-earth men will honor you
as far as the sea circles this windyard
these high cliffwalls. Keep while you live
peace with your courage. I’ll repay you for that
with bright treasure-gifts. Be to my sons
a gentle hero with joy in your heart.
Each man at this feast is faithful to all
loyal to his lord loving in mindthoughts—
these thanes are together good men and strong
these drunken warriors do as I bid them.”
She sat then to banquet the best of feasting
warmed with wine-cups—warriors rejoiced
unwary of their fate waiting for destiny
like friends before them at failing of day
when Hrothgar left them to lie in his bower
went to his rest. War-Danes guarded
the darkening meadhall as in days gone by.
They cleared the bench-planks, brought for sleeprest
bedding and bolsters. A beer-drinker there
ready for his doom rested among them.
They set by their heads where hands could reach them
bright linden-shields—on benches above them
over sleeping warriors weapons were ready
hard mask-helmets hand-locked corselets
stout-shafted spears. They were seldom caught
unready for war waking or sleeping
at home or afield held themselves ready
for their lord’s command moments of swordplay
their war-sovereign’s needs—they were worthy men.

They sank to their sleep. One sorely paid
for his evening slumber like others before him
since Grendel came to them greedy hall-watcher
rage in his blood till he blundered at last
death came to him. The Danes discovered
that one still living waited for that night
slouched through the shadows searching for revenge
grim murder-fiend—Grendel’s hell-mother
bereaved monster-wife mourned for her child.
She was damned to hide in a dark water-home
cold wildwood stream since Cain murdered
his only brother-kin beat down to earth
his father’s son-child. He was sent for that
marked with murder from man’s company
banished to wasteland. Then woke from his loins
misbegotten monsters. Among them was Grendel
hate-hearted fiend who found at Heorot
a waking strength-warrior waiting in that hall.
Grendel grabbed him grappled his hand—
but mindful of power the mercy of his strength
that bountiful gift from God’s kingdom
the warrior caught him clamped in his fingers
that great claw-hand crushed that night-killer
gripped him to death. Grendel went slinking
crossed the moorland to his cold death-cavern
exiled from mercy. Then his mother sorrowed
grieved for her child greedy for man-blood
went prowling for vengeance payment for her son.
She came then to Heorot where careless Shield-Danes
slumbered peacefully. They soon found there
the old night-torture when in through the door
came Grendel’s mother. Her great warrior-strength
was less than her son’s as little as a woman’s
is weaker in warfare than a weaponed man’s
when bloodied swordblades smith-hammered edges
slash helmet-crowns hard over boar-crests
gold-handled swords slash against helmets.
Sleeping warriors woke to the fight
reached for swordblades raised linden-shields
hoisted their weapons—helmets and corselets
were left by the benches in that lunging raid.
She yearned to leave them longed to be away
flee with her life when they found her there—
quickly she snared a single

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